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研究生(外文):Chia-chi Huang
論文名稱(外文):Controlled Language Writing and Machine Translation:The Use of Oracle Poetry for the Empress of Heaven at the Penghu Temple as Samples
指導教授(外文):Chung-ling Shih
外文關鍵詞:Relevance theoryand simplification strategiesoracle poemsnormalizationcontrolled languageMTexplicitation
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本研究旨在探討使用前機器翻譯編輯(前MT)文言文籤詩的有效策略。為進行研究,於前機器翻譯編輯的過程中,我使用控制性語言(CL)來編輯文言文籤詩,控制性語言之特性乃是限制其詞彙範圍和句子結構之多樣性。本研究以台灣籤詩為例,並利用語料庫/統計方法運作的Google Translate (線上Google翻譯) 當作翻譯工具,且用它來測試機器翻譯的品質。該項研究發現一些策略可運用在編輯文言文籤詩的過程,以提昇其機器譯文之品質。這些策略包括:(1)明朗化策略,例如:增添詞彙、添加轉折詞、改寫四字成語且添加典故;(2)常態化策略,例如:增加介系詞、添加冠詞及量詞,和(3)簡單化策略,例如:使用中文雙音節詞編譯、添加逗號或分號將一個句子分成兩個子句、改寫古典詞彙和四字片語為一般敘述。於前機器翻譯編輯後,籤詩之機器翻譯品質的確大幅地提升。經一些主修口筆譯的研究生、在何嘉仁美語的外籍老師們及一位英語教授閱讀機器譯文後,發現其文法正確性、語義清晰度和文化詞彙合宜性,皆比先前未經過編輯之機器譯文進步許多。最重要的是本研究發現控制性語言的使用有助於提高機器翻譯的品質且符合Gutt的關聯理論。關聯理論的重點是藉由改寫來源語特定的語言特性和特定的文化詞彙,使得來源語文本讓目標語讀者能在譯文中尋求與其文本認知與文化背景之關聯性,進而了解文本之訊息意涵。最後,本研究可應用在未來其它文類之有效機器翻譯相關研究。
This research aims to investigate the strategies for editing oracle poems from classical Chinese into vernacular controlled Chinese to improve its performance of machine translation (MT). The controlled language (CL), restricted in the scope of vocabulary and sentence structure, is used to edit oracle poems and Google Translate, a corpus/statistics-based MT tool, is used to test the quality of the MT output. The finding indicates that some strategies can be used to edit oracle poems, including: 1) explicitation strategies such as adding words, adding a transitional, and rewriting the Chengyu; 2) normalization strategies such as adding a preposition, and adding an article or/and a quantifier, and 3) simplification strategies such as using dual-syllable Chinese words, adding comma or semicolon to divide one sentence into two clauses, rewriting classical diction, and rewriting four-character phrases into common expressions.
The controlled poems after pre-MT editing did highly improve the grammatical accuracy, semantic clarity and pragmatic appropriateness of MT outputs based on the reading feedbacks from some students who major in translation and interpreting, some native English speakers teaching at HESS cram school and one English professor. Above all, this research takes on some significance, suggesting that the use of controlled language for better MT performance supports Gutt’s relevance theory that translation must seek contextual and cultural relevance to the target audience by modifying the SL-specific linguistic features and source-culture-specific idiomatic expressions. Due to the effectiveness of pre-MT editing with a host of strategies, this research model can be replicated in the future researches on editing other genres of texts for effective MT application.
Table of Contents……………………………………………………….vi
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
1.1 Research Motivation………………………………………………………....2
1.2 Research Purpose and Questions……..……………………………………..5
1.3 Research Method............................................................................................6
1.4 Research Structure……………………………………………………………9
Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………...10
2.1 Machine Translation………………………………………………………….10
2.1.1 The History of Machine Translation………………………………...11
2.1.2 Rule-based Machine Translation…………………………………….11
2.1.3 Corpus-based Machine Translation………………………………….12
2.2 Controlled Language and Pre-MT Editing……………………………….15
2.2.1 Controlled Language………………………………………………...15
2.2.2 Pre-MT Editing………………………………………………………18
2.3 Gutt’s Relevance Theory……………………………………………………19
Chapter 3 Lexical Strategies for Pre-editing Oracle Poems………...23
3.1 The Explicitation Strategies………………………………………………...23
3.1.1 Use of Dual-Syllable Words…………………………………………23
3.1.2 Adding Words………………………………………………………..27
3.2 The Normalization Strategy………………………………………………...34
3.2.1 Adding Word「是」as a Be Verb…………………...……………….34
3.2.2 Adding a Quantifier………………………………………………….37
3.2.3 Adding a Preposition………………………………………………...40
3.3 Implications of Applying Pre-MT Editing Strategies at the Lexical Level…44
Chapter 4 Syntactic Strategies for Pre-editing Oracle Poems………46
4.1 The Simplification Strategy…………………………………………………46
4.2 The Normalization Strategy……………………………….………………..50
4.3 The Explicitation Strategy…………………………………………………..55
4.4 Implications of Applying Pre-MT Editing Strategies at the Syntactic Level.60
Chapter 5 Strategies for Pre-editing Cultural-specific Items in Oracle Poems…………………………………………………………………...62
5.1 The Explicitation Strategies……………………………………….………..63
5.1.1 Rewriting Chengyu and Adding Footnotes………………………….63
5.1.2 Preserving Idioms and Adding Footnotes…………………………...68
5.2 The Simplification Strategy…………………………………………………74
5.3 Implications of Applying Pre-MT Editing CSIs at the Pragmatic Level.
Chapter 6 Conclusion………………………………………………….79
6.1 Summary of the Findings……………….…………………………………...79
6.2 Significances of This Research….………….………………………………..82
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research….………………………..83
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