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研究生(外文):Ya-lin Wu
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between stock returns and volumes
指導教授(外文):Yu-Shan Wang
外文關鍵詞:financial crisisQuantile Regression
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本文應用Koenker and Bassett (1978)提出的分量迴歸(Quantile Regression, QR)對先進與新興國家在2004年至2012年間,各國主要指數報酬率與成交量的關係進行評估,實證發現一般線性迴歸估出的相關係數與分量迴歸的結果的確存在差異。除此之外,透過分量迴歸大致可將各國牛市與熊市的價量關係分成三種型態: 一、價量齊揚大於價量背離、二、 價量齊揚大於價跌量縮、三、價量背離大於價量齊揚。一、三種型態的價量關係皆隨著漲跌幅越大,其報酬率與成交量的關係越顯著,而第二種型態價量齊揚大於價跌量縮關係出現在受政府限制條件較嚴謹的中國、泰國與台灣國家,呈現扭曲變數之間的關係。在發生次貸危機的期間,不管是先進或新興國家,其報酬率的波動幅度皆顯著增加,此預期了發生次貸危機會使各國股市明顯變化。透過分量迴歸驗證次貸危機前後股市的變化,結果如同報酬率標準差的預期,此次的次貸危機帶來的衝擊散佈於全球股市,主要造成世界連動影響原因歸為兩部分: 一、美國股市佔全球股市之交易額較高比例。二、美國主要以進口為導向。而發生次貸對於大部分國家的價量關係更為顯著,尤其漲跌幅越大其相關性越強烈、波動度越高,這些結果可供理論研究或實務應用當作參考。
This article adopt Koenker and Bassett''s Quantile Regression for advanced and emerging countries in 2004-2012. We estimate price and volume relationship in every country''s main index. Through study find OLS indeed difference from Qunantile Regression. Besides, we divided bull and bear market price-volume relationship into three types: One, price and volume go high relationship stronger than price and volume go departure. Two, price and volume go high relationship stronger than price and volume both go down. Three, price and volume go down relationship stronger than price and volume both go high. When the stock rise and down gap become bigger, the return and volume relationship become more significant. When first and third types’ stock rise and down gaps become bigger, the return and volume relationship become more significant. While the second type appear to the countries which have more restrictions by government. The countries like China、Tailand and Taiwan, presenting distorted relationship. During the sub-prime, whether advanced or emerging countries, the volatility of returns increase significant. It is anticipated all countries changes significant when occurred sub-prime. Through Quantile Regression verified after the subprime mortgage crisis stock changes. The result is the same with the standard deviation of expected returns. This crisis spread in the impact of the global stock market. The main reason causing the world contagion effect divided into two parts: First, the U.S. shares of global stock markets occupied higher percentage of the transaction amount. Second, the U.S. mainly looks imports as the guide. The sub-prime let the price and volume relationship more significant for most countries, especially, the stock up and down relevance more stronger and the volatility higher. These results could provide theoretical research or practical application as a reference.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第壹章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究架構 5
第貳章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 價量理論模型 6
第二節 價量關係實證研究 7
第參章 研究方法 11
第一節 分量迴歸法 11
第二節 分量迴歸模型設定 12
第三節 分量迴歸的應用 14
第肆章 實證結果 15
第一節 資料來源與變數定義 15
第二節 單根檢定 16
第三節 敘述性統計 18
第四節 實證設計與結果分析 21
第伍章 結論 43
參考文獻 45
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