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研究生(外文):Jia-chi Shiu
論文名稱(外文):The Evaluation of Operating Performance in Taiwan’s Online Game Industry (2010-2012) –An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
指導教授(外文):Tsai-yuan Huang
外文關鍵詞:Online-gameMalmquist Productivity IndexData Envelopment AnalysisPerformance Evaluation
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台灣線上遊戲產業過去的蓬勃發展,可說是由世界經濟蕭條之時瞬間加溫,許多業者紛紛投入此產業,造成產業間的激烈競爭,而多數遊戲產業公司在此期間內,如何擬定自身之經營策略與提昇自身價值是很重要的課題。本研究為此探討各上櫃之遊戲產業公司的績效,以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)進行客觀與適當的評估方法,並針對各項投入產出值提供一量化數值,以供個案公司參考其公司在遊戲產業中之優勢與劣勢。

The ongoing enhancement of computers and advancement of internet resulted in the development of online games has been observed in the past few decades. Computers evolved from a single-player game console into a platform for multi-players. Moreover, the availability of internet enables players to adopt virtual characters and interact with other players through computers. The results of these technologies are the inexperienced thrill and fun that players are unable to experience in their real life. These characteristics and change in technologies has shown to draw a population to online games and contributes to the flourishing business of online games in recent years.

The global financial crisis contributes to the sudden flourishing development of online games in Taiwan. Many business organisations started investing in this sector and created a sudden boost in market competition. To survive this competitive market and to enhance the organisation’s revenue, it is vital for organisations to consider, adopt and implement a successful and strategic business plan. This study investigates key gaming organisations’ performance using data envelopment analysis. And will also compare the computation within organisations and provide business performance reviews on each organisation’s strengths and weaknesses against their competitors.

Empirical results show that: (1) in the CCR model and BCC model's total technical efficiency, only Soft World companies in this three years remain relatively efficient state. (2) in the returns to scale analysis, the companies in this three years alone Soft World remain constant returns to scale.(3) in the slack variable analysis Soft World, Chinesegamer in 2010 are rendered relatively efficient; Soft World, UserJoy and IGS in 2011 are presented with relatively efficient; Soft World and UserJoy in 2012 are
presented with relatively efficient . (4) In the Malmquist index analysis, only UserJoy presented the status of progress in productivity. This may be a reference object for other companies.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究限制 2
第四節 研究方法 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 線上遊戲產業的發展 5
第二節 線上遊戲之類型 9
第三節 線上遊戲產業特性 11
第四節 經營績效之評估 14
第五節 線上遊戲之相關文獻 20
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 資料包絡分析法之意義與基礎 23
第二節 DEA模式探討 ─ CCR模式 26
第三節 DEA模式探討 ─ BCC模式 31
第四節 麥式(Malmquist)指數 36
第五節 決策單位之選定 44
第六節 投入產出項之選取 46
第四章 實證分析與結果 49
第一節 Pearson相關性分析 49
第二節 DEA之分析結果探討 50
第三節 差額變數分析 58
第四節 麥式(Malmquist)指數分析 61
第五章 研究與建議 68
第一節 研究結論 68
第二節 研究建議 69
參考文獻 71
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