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研究生(外文):Tsung-Han Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Extended TPB Model in Farmers’ Market
指導教授(外文):Guo-Ciang Wu
外文關鍵詞:Self-EfficacyKnowledge SharingTrustFarmers’ marketTheory of Planned Behavior
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  過去農民大量使用化學肥料來栽培作物, 然而使用化學肥料的後遺症也一一浮現,環保意識及養身意識的抬頭,消費者也開始改變其消費模式,在消費前會考慮到要購買不會傷害自身或家人健康及對環境產生汙染的食品,而選擇購買較為安全但較貴的有機食品。有鑑於此,本研究以計劃行為理論觀點,探究消費者對於到農夫市集的購買意願。除了以態度、主規範與知覺行為控制等構面探討外,並加入享樂性、互動性、知識分享、信任與自我效能等構面,以延伸計劃行為理論之應用範疇。
  本研究是以農夫市集的消費者為主要研究對象,本問卷是以便利抽樣法。共取得182 份有效問卷。研究結果發現:(1)「享樂性」對於「態度」不具顯著影響;(2)「互動性」對於「態度」具有正向影響;(3)「知識分享」對於「態度」具有正向影響;(4)「信任」對於「主觀規範」具有正向影響;(5)「自我效能」對於「知覺行為控制」具有正向影響;(6)「態度」對於「購買意願」具有正向影響; (7)「主觀規範」對於「購買意願」不具顯著影響;(8)「知覺行為控制」對於「購買意願」具有正向影響。最後本研究根據研究結果提出具體的管理意涵與實務建議,以提供農夫市集的主辦單位,作為農夫市集之行銷策略的參考。
Farmers used to apply chemical fertilizers abundantly in crops cultivation, which leads to a series of subsequent problems. With the rise of environmental awareness and health-keeping consciousness, consumers began to alter their consumption models and preferred more expensive but much safer organic food considering that the food will not harm the health of themselves or their families and will not pollute the environment. Therefore, the study explored the consumers’ purchase intention on farmers’ market based on the Theory of Planning Behavior. In addition to the dimensions of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control, Hedonic, Interactivity, Knowledge Sharing, Trust and Self-Efficacy were also discussed so as to extend the application fields of the Theory of Planned Behavior.
The research subjects of this study were mainly the consumers from farmers’ market. The questionnaire adopted the convenience sampling method, of which a total number of 182 copies were valid. The research results show: (1) Hedonic has no significant impact on Attitude (2) Interactivity has positive influence on Attitude (3) Knowledge sharing has positive influence on Attitude (4) Trust has positive influence on Subjective Norm (5) Self-Efficacy has positive influence on Perceived Behavioral Control (6) Attitude has positive influence on Purchase Intention (7) Subjective Norm has no significant impact on Purchase Intention (8) Perceived Behavioral Control has positive influence on Purchase Intention. Last but not least, the study proposed specific managerial implications and practical suggestions for host organization to serve as references for marketing strategy for farmers’ market.
表目錄.................................................. vii
第一章緒論................................................ 1
第二章文獻探討............................................ 5
第一節農夫市集........................................ 5
第二節計劃行為理論.................................... 6
第三節享樂性......................................... 12
第四節互動性......................................... 13
第五節知識分享........................................... 15
第六節信任........................................... 20
第七節自我效能....................................... 21
第三章研究方法........................................... 26
第一節研究架構....................................... 26
第二節研究假說....................................... 27
第四章實證分析結果....................................... 38
第一節樣本結構....................................... 38
第二節敘述性統計分析................................. 40
第三節信效度分析..................................... 46
第四節廻歸分析....................................... 59
第五節研究假設檢定結果............................... 62
第五章結論與建議......................................... 64
第二節學術及實務意涵................................. 66
第三節研究限制....................................... 68
附錄一農夫市集照片....................................... 80
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