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研究生(外文):Ya-shun Yang
論文名稱(外文):Discourse Analysis of English Tourism Information Text from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar
指導教授(外文):Chun-Mei Shieh
外文關鍵詞:three metafunctionssystemic functional grammartourism information textdiscourse analysis
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English Tourism information text plays an important role in publicizing tourism industry. Due to the importance of English Tourism information text, it has drawn the attention and interest to linguists. Nevertheless, there is still a surprising lack of studies of tourism information text on linguistic perspectives. The previous studies mainly focused on cultural perspective, rhetoric device, and especially translation theories, only a few studies were conducted from discourse analysis. Systemic functional linguistic is both theoretical and practical and can be applied to any text analysis either written or spoken. On this theoretical framework, the present study takes a tentative study on tourist information text selected from Conde Nast Traveler magazine; it aims to analyze the stylistic features from lexico-grammatical level of process type, circumstance, mood structure, modality, thematic structure respectively to realize the functions of the tourism information text.
The results indicated that (1) material process are dominate in preset study; (2) location circumstance type distributes most; (3) declarative mood is prominence; (4) only a few modalities are expressed and they are realized as medium tone value; (5) unmarked theme is utilized most; and (6) textual theme is utilized more than interpersonal theme. It is hoped that the results of the study could provide useful guidelines for travel writers to produce effective tourist information text. Further, it expects to raise learners’ conscious awareness and to enhance their language competence of this type of genre.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
Tables viii
Figures ix
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the problem 3
Purpose of the Study 4
Research Questions 5
Significance of the Study 5
Definitions of Terms 6
Organization of the Study 8
Literature Review 9
Overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics 9
Context 11
Stratification of Systemic Functional Linguistics 13
Lexico-grammar 14
Three Metafunctions 14
An Explanation of Three Metafunctions 15
Ideational Function: Language as Representation 15
Transitivity System 16
Process Types of Transitivity 16
Material Process 18
Mental Process 18
Relational Process 19
Behavioral Process 20
Verbal Process 20
Existential Process 21
Circumstance 21
Interpersonal Function: Language as Exchange 22
Mood System 22
Speech Function 23
Types of Mood Structure 24
Modality System 25
Textual Function: Language as Message 26
Thematic Structure 27
Types of Themes 28
Unmarked and Marked Theme 28
Simple and Multiple Theme 30
The Communicative Functions of Tourist Texts 32
Informative Function 32
Expressive Function 33
Vocative Function 33
Linguistic Features of English Tourist Texts 33
Lexical Features 34
Syntax Features 35
Textual Features 36
Related Studies of Tourist Information Text from Non-SFL Perspective 37
Related Studies of Tourist Information Text from SFL Viewpoint 39
Summary.. 43
CHAPTER 3… …. 44
Method…….. ………………………….. 44
Research Design 44
Research Procedures 45
Analytical Unit 46
Data Collection 49
Data Source 49
Introduction to Conde Nast Publication and Conde Nast Traveler…………………………………………………… 49
Introduction of the Data ………………………. 50
Instrument 52
Data Analysis 53
Results and Discussions 58
Results of Research Question 1 58
Results of Research Question 2 66
Results of Research Question 3 72
Results of Research Question 4 76
Results of Research Question 5 80
Results of Research Question 6 83

Conclusion 93
Summary of the Main Findings 93
The Findings of Research Question 1 93
The Findings of Research Question 2 94
The Findings of Research Question 3 95
The Findings of Research Question 4 96
The Findings of Research Question 5 97
The Findings of Research Question 6 97
Pedagogical Implications 98
Limitations of the Study 100
Suggestions for Further Study 95
References……………………………… 96
Appendix A……………………………… 101
Appendix B……………………………. 130
Appendix C……………………………. 160

Table 1. Strata of Language 13
Table 2. The units of lexico-grammatical rank scale… 14
Table 3. The principle categories of relational process 20
Table 4. Circumstance elements in transitivity system 22
Table 5. Speech functions 24
Table 6. Constituents of mood Type 25
Table 7. Degrees of modality 26
Table 8. Outline of stylistic analysis of the tourism information text 38
Table 9. Outline of relevant studies from the angle of SFL…. 41
Table 10. Analytical variables 47
Table 11. The Description of the corpus 51
Table 12. Distribution of six process type of the tourist information text 59
Table 13. Distribution of circumstances in the tourist information text 67
Table 14. Distribution of mood type choice in the tourist information text 72
Table 15. Distribution of modality in the tourist information text 76
Table 16. Distribution of modality in turns of type and value in the tourist information text 77
Table 17. Distribution of marked/unmarked theme and simple/multiple theme in the tourist information text…………………… 81
Table 18. Distribution of interpersonal theme and textual theme in the tourist information text 88

Figure 1. Context, semantic and lexico-grammar 12
Figure 2. Grammar of process types 17
Figure 3. Types of modality………… 26
Figure 4
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