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研究生(外文):Parichard Sangkumchaliang
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing Organic Food Products Purchase Decision in Northern Thailand: A Comparison of Community Market and Supermarket
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chi Huang, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:organic food productsconsumer behaviorintention to purchase
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有機農法已被公認為有效改善食品安全和環境品質的方式。而農業經營者是否採行有機農法受到消費市場需求決定。有機食品消費需求則隨著人們對於健康與環境問題的關注而持續增加;但是目前關於消費者決策行為分析的研究仍不足。本研究的目的主要為瞭解泰國北部消費者購買有機食品意願的影響因素,探討人口統計變數、消費者態度、以及不同的運銷通路是否影響購買意願與態度。本研究針對泰國北部的社區市場與超級市場的顧客群,以問卷進行資料收集。兩組樣本共有632位受訪者回卷。因素分析 (factor analysis) 和結構方程模式分析 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 為本研究中資料分析的工具。研究結果顯示,消費者對於有機食品的購買意願與其對於有機食品益處的認知、有機食品的產品屬性、有機食品可得性以及有機標章的信任有關。在社區市場的回卷者覺得有機食品價格較合理;而超級市場的有機食品的價格則較昂貴。有機食品的可得性是消費者採購時的障礙。超過半數的受訪者表示:他們對於兩種通路市場的有機食品的可得性並不滿意。而且,消費者對於有機驗證與標章的信任與其在社區市場的購買意願有直接的關係;對於有機驗證與標章的認識與瞭解會促使其採購有機食品。但是,本研究亦顯示:兩種通路市場對於消費者的決策態度與購買意圖上並無差異

Organic production has been identified as an effective way to improve food safety and environmental quality. The adoption of the organic practice is highly determined by market demand. The demand for organic food has risen consistently with the increase in awareness of health and environmental issues, however the profiling of such consumers are still lacking. The aim of this study is to understand the factors influencing Thai consumers’ intention to purchase organic products and to identify consumers’ demographics and attitudes towards purchasing organic foods in as well as to evaluate the difference of consumers’ attitude and intention to purchase organic food in different market channel in northern Thailand. The data were collected through a questionnaire conducted in supermarket and community market. The availability of organic food in the supermarket and community market was confirmed before the data collection. The final sample included 632
respondents from both market. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed using factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicated that the intention to purchase organic food products is explained by the perception of its value to health and the environment, organic food products’ attributes, organic food products of availability, as well as trust in organic labels. The respondents from community market seem like to perceive those organic prices are reasonable when compare with supermarket respondent mentioned that organic food have high price. Organic food availability is the obstacle. More than half of respondent from supermarket and community market stated the same way that they are not satisfied with organic food availability in both market channels. According to the results, trust in information of organic certification and labels will has direst affect to intention to purchase organic food at community market. Knowledge and awareness of organic certification and labels can motivate consumer to purchase organic food. However, the difference kind of market channel compared between supermarket and community market have no effect to decision-making between attitudes towards organic food to intention to purchase. The findings provide evidence regarding consumers’ underlying motivation to buy organic food products to evaluate the future implementation of organic production.

Chinese Abstract…………………. I
English Abstract……………. III
Acknowledgements V
Table of Contents VI
List of Tables XII
List of Figures XV
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.1.1 Definition of organic agriculture 1
1.1.2 Worldwide organic agriculture situation 2
1.1.3 Asia organic agriculture situation 4
1.1.4 Thailand organic agriculture situation 5 Organic standards and certification in Thailand 10 Organic standards and certification in northern Thailand 11 Market channel for organic food products in Thailand 12
1.2 Research objectives 12
1.3 Organization of the study 14
2. Literature Review 16
2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior 16
2.2 The role of values and attitudes in consumer choices 18
2.3 Factors affecting consumer behaviour 20
2.4 Influence of price, quality, and willing to pay for organic products 21
2.5 Motive for buying organic products 22
2.6 Marketing strategies and community culture of organic food 23
3. Methodology 27
3.1 The research framework 27
3.2 Research hypothesis 30
3.2.1 Supermarket 30
3.2.2 Community market 33
3.2.3 Comparison between supermarket and community market 36
3.3 Variables and measurements 39
3.3.1 Supermarket 39
3.3.2 Community market 43
3.4 Questionnaire design 46
3.4.1. Development of questionnaire 46
3.4.2 Content of the questionnaire 47 Supermarket 47 Community market 47
3.5 Data collection 51
3.5.1 Study site 51 Description of supermarket 51 Description of community market 52
3.5.2 Interviewer training 53
3.5.3 Sample size and sampling 53
3.6 Statistical methods 55
3.6.1 Supermarket 55 Non-parametric analysis 55 Para metrics analysis 55
3.6.2 Community market 56
3.6.3 The comparison between supermarket and community market 56
4. Results………… 59
4.1 Results of data collected from supermarket 59
4.1.1 Price of organic food products 59
4.1.2 Demographic analysis of the respondents in organic food consumption of supermarket survey 63
4.1.3 Knowledge about organic food 64
4.1.4 Attitude toward organic food of consumer at supermarket 65
4.1.5 Attitudes and demographics 66
4.1.6 Behavior toward organic food 74
4.1.7 Factors influencing purchasing intentions towards organic food 76
4.2 Results of data collected from community market 80
4.2.1 Demographic analysis of the respondents in organic food consumption of supermarket survey 80
4.2.2 Major products marketed as organic in community market 81
4.2.3 Consumer knowledge and information about organic food 81
4.2.4 Attitude towards organic food of consumer at community market 84
4.2.5 Buying behavior and frequency to purchase organic food in community market 84
4.2.6 Consumer intention to purchase organic food: Result from consumers in community market 85 Definition of Variables 85 Testing of the measurement model 88 Testing of the structural model 90 Hypothesis verification and testing of parameters 91
4.3 The comparison between consumers in supermarket and consumers in community market 93
4.3.1 Comparison of demographic characteristics of organic buyers between supermarket and community market’s respondents 93
4.3.2 Comparison of consumer perception between supermarket and community market 95
4.3.3 Comparison of consumer purchasing frequency between supermarket and community market 97
4.3.4 Comparison of consumer trust in information of organic certification and labels, and attitude which affected to intention to purchase organic food 98 Testing the measurement model of supermarket 98 Testing of the structural model of supermarket 100 Testing the measurement model of community market 101 Testing of the structural model of community market 102 The comparison results between the structural model of supermarket and community market 104
4.3.5 The result of market channel exhibits the moderator effect between attitude and intention to purchase organic food. 104 Comparing the R² values of the two models 104 Test whether market channel exhibits the moderator effect between trust and intention to purchase towards organic food 105
5. Discussion 107
6. Conclusions and Recommendations 111
6.1 Conclusions 111
6.2 Recommendations 113
References……….. 115
Appendix 1.List of Experts Interviewed 123
Appendix 2: Interviews with Key Actors 124
Appendix 3. Questionnaire – English Version (supermarket) 128
Appendix 4. Questionnaire – Thai Version (supermarket) 134
Appendix 5. Questionnaire - English version (community market) 139
Appendix 6. Questionnaire – Thai Version (community market) 144
Appendix 7. Regression analysis 148
Appendix 8. Calculation results perform by by Fisher’s Z-test to compare the the R² values 150

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