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研究生(外文):Chin-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A study of the effectiveness of the male endorsers on feminine products
指導教授(外文):Chi-cheng Wu
外文關鍵詞:spokespersonfeminine productsemotional sellingpurchase intentionEndorang Advertisementmatch-up hypothesis
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Frankly speaking, the appropriate gender of spokesperson for feminine products is female, and vice versa. Recently, however, the use of gender contrasts marketing tactics gradually increased. Asia back in 1996 when the Japanese male star Takuya Kimura endorsed a female lipstick with unexpected success, causing many female consumer industry operators take advantage of this marketing technique, in droves. Related studies have shown that the use of contrast gender endorsements of female consumer products, indeed, have the effect of enhancing brand awareness, but is it really applicable to all female consumer industry by this marketing practices that remains us a question.

As previously research discussions are mainly based on advertising effectiveness, advertising impressions or male endorsement effects on women consumers, there is few argument of why the industry wants to employ this marketing technique. Therefore, this study would utilize qualitative research methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews, to receive not only a deeper understanding from female consumers’ opinions on male endorsement on feminine products, but also like to comprehend the points of view on business operators, public relations specialist and experienced skin care consultant for this marketing technique.

The main conclusion is that the marketing technique, male endorsement of feminine products, does not apply to all the female consumer-based industries, in which the beauty industry as well as products for the most privacy. Hopefully the result can provide to the female consumer industrial operators for the future whether they want to apply this marketing approach to sell their products.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 廣告代言人 8
2.1.1 廣告代言人的理論基礎 8
2.1.2 廣告代言人的可信度 11
2.1.3 代言人與品牌知名度 15
2.3 涉入理論 (INVOLVE THEORY) 19
2.3.1 涉入的定義 19
2.3.2 涉入的分類 21
2.3.3 產品涉入與品牌承諾 22
2.4 感覺行銷 24
2.5 品牌忠誠度 25
2.5.1 品牌知名度 26
2.5.2 產品品質 27
2.5.3 價格 27
2.5.4 設計 28
2.5.5 店面環境 28
2.5.6 促銷 29
2.6.7 服務品質 29
2.6 廣告效果 30
2.6.1 溝通說服理論 30
2.6.2 廣告溝通與說服 32
2.6.3 廣告效果的衡量 34
2.7 購買意圖 35
第三章 研究方法 37
3.1焦點團體法: 37
3.2 訪談方式 39
3.2.1訪談大綱 40
3.2.2 第一組 焦點團體訪談回顧 43
3.2.3 第二組 焦點團體訪談回顧 46
3.3 深度訪談法 (IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW) 55
3.3.1 訪談方式 55
3.3.2訪談對象 56
3.3.3 訪談原則 56
3.4 女性消費性產品公司專業經理人 57
3.5 保養品美容沙龍老闆 62
3.6 美容顧問 64
3.7 公關專家 67
第四章 研究結果 70
第五章 結論與建議 75
5.1 研究結論 75
5.2 研究限制 76
5.3 研究建議 76
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