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研究生(外文):Guo-Yu Li
論文名稱(外文):Sputtered SiO2 nitrogen-surrounding Quantum Well Intermixing for Integration of Electroabsorption Modulators and Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
指導教授(外文):Yi-Jen Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Photonic integrated circuitImpurity Free Vacancy DiffusionQuantum Well IntermixingSiO2Bandgap engineering
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為了達成光電元件之積體化,晶圓能隙調整的區域選擇性是重要的議題。本文主要以濺鍍介電質達成量子井熱混合(quantum-well intermixing) (QWI),並通以高壓氮氣熱退火-非雜質之空缺擴散法(impurity-free vacancy diffusion)(IFVD),來達成晶圓能隙調整。利用黃光製程定義濺鍍二氧化矽的區域,進行區域性的能隙調整;而裸露的區域,熱退火時暴露在氮氣之下,以氮氣增加熱退火時的壓力,減少裸露區域之五族元素向外擴散的程度,以抑制該區域能隙的改變,達成晶圓區域性地能隙調整。
利用黃光製程定義能隙調整區域,已能控制面積在40um*200um以內進行能隙調整,利用光激發光(Photoluminescence ;PL)來監測能隙調整後的波長藍位移量,達成在單一晶圓上調整出三個不同的操作波長,為1470nm, 1510nm, 1540nm,且在熱退火7分鐘後,波長藍位移量已達60nm以上。最後將完成能隙調整的晶圓,依照定義的區域製作成EAM整合SOA之光電元件,所製作出的整合元件,已成功將SOA之最大增益波長與EAM之最大調變波長重合,讓此整合元件有最佳的工作效率。相較於沒有經過能隙調整之元件,元件訊號之穿透率已由-18dB大幅提昇至-3dB。SOA之增益也超過35dB,EAM的調變能力可達6.68dB,調變能力是受限於熱處理時,導電層之摻雜Zn擴散至主動層所致。我們進一步對製作出的整合元件進行高頻量測,對於40GB/s的訊號傳輸也能有清晰的眼圖,說明以高溫處理的方式進行能隙調整後,所製做出的元件也能夠正常地工作。不需重新磊晶,而是濺鍍介電質和熱退火的簡單方法達成區域性地能隙調整,達成光積體電路的實作。
In order to achieve the integration of photonic circuit, the spatial selectivity of bandgap tuning on a wafer is an important issue. In this work, a quantum well intermixing (QWI) technique by sputtering SiO2 and followed by rapid thermal annealing, called impurity free vacancy diffusion( IFVD ), was used to perform the spatially bandgap tuning on a wafer. Patterned SiO2 regions are defined as the bandgap tuning area, while in the other area (without SiO2 cap layer) the wavelength shift suppression is performed by exposing in nitrogen flow surrounding.
Defined by photolithography, the QWI area could narrow down to the scale from 40um by 200um. By monitoring the bandgap using photoluminescence (PL) method, three different operating wavelengths of 1470nm, 1510nm, 1540nm at different regions have been achieved in a single wafer. The blue-shift of PL can reach more than 60nm within 7mins annealing. The integration of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and electroabsorption modulator (EAM) with electrical isolation region (ISO) is used to test wafer. The result showed that the amplifying wavelength of SOA is the same as the modulating wavelength of EAM, which resulting in the optimized operating efficiency of the integrated devices. The transmission of QWI device reaching -3dB, in comparison to non-QWI device with transmission of -12dB, is greatly improved. The gain of SOA is up to 35dB and the modulation of EAM is 6.68dB, which is limited by Zn diffusion. An opened and clear 40GB/s eye diagram is demonstrated, which showed under high temperature processing, the fabricated device still work. Without re-growth, just simple processing like sputtering and annealing, spatially bandgap tuning and the photonic integrated circuit are realized.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 量子材料能隙工程 4
1.4 先前工作 9
1.5 主要工作 11
第二章 理論與程式模擬 12
2.1 熱混合擴散機制 12
2.2 計算熱混合擴散之量子井 14
2.3 熱混合擴散效應下能帶結構的改變 16
2.4 量子井波函數與基態的計算 20
第三章 材料分析 22
3.1 先前工作 22
3.2 高壓之下壓力的影響 23
3.3通入氮氣,區域性的能隙調整 25
3.3.1 抑制波長位移 25
3.3.2 促進波長位移 25
3.3.3 促進波長位移,再抑制波長位移 27
第四章 熱混合擴散與整合元件之方法與製作 28
4.1 熱混合擴散製程 29
4.2 整合元件製程 33
4.2.1離子佈植與蒸鍍P型金屬 33
4.2.2濕式底切蝕刻光波導 34
4.2.3蝕刻N型接觸層、蒸鍍N型金屬與定義絕緣層 37
4.2.4 平坦化製程 39
4.2.6 蒸鍍共平面電極 40
第五章 元件特性量測與分析 42
5.1 單段EAMSOA整合元件直流分析 42
5.2 多段EAMSOA整合元件直流分析 45
5.3 多段EAMSOA整合元件高頻量測 49
第六章 結論 51
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