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研究生(外文):Yu-Chi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Growth and characterization of GaN heterophased quantum well microdisk and InGaN/GaN quantum well microdisk grown on gamma-LiAlO2 substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
指導教授(外文):IKai Lo
外文關鍵詞:GaN microdiskInGaN/GaN quantum wellplasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE)GaNwurtzite/zinc-blende/wurtzite
  • 被引用被引用:1
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在本研究中,我們使用電漿輔助分子束磊晶系統,在鋁酸鋰基板LiAlO2 (100)上成長氮化鎵薄膜。由於鋁酸鋰基板同時提供長方形與六角形的基底,可以同時常長M-plane氮化鎵薄膜與自我組裝c-plane單晶氮化鎵微米碟或微米金字塔。以原子模型模擬自我組裝c-plane單晶氮化鎵微米碟或微米金字塔的形成機制,我們發現c-plane單晶氮化鎵微米碟的形成是由於最外層的鎵原子捕獲到氮原子,以發散的成長方式,形成單晶氮化鎵微米碟;而微米金字塔的形成則是因為遺失了最外層的氮原子,以收斂的方式成長,因此形成金字塔狀的氮化鎵單晶結構。
另外,我們也在氮化鎵微米碟上成長元氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵異質微米碟量子井。藉由調整鎵原子與銦原子的比例,我們成長出銦含量為25%,能隙值為2.31 eV的氮化銦鎵,其能隙值符合Eg(x) = [3.42-x*2.65-x*(1-x)*2.4]。
In this thesis, the GaN thin film was grown on γ-LiAlO2 (LAO) substrate by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The LAO substrate provides two basal planes which are rectangular and hexagonal basal planes; therefore we grew M-plane GaN thin film and self-assembled c-plane single crystal GaN microdisk and micropyramid at the same time. To simulate the mechanism of self-assemble c-plane single crystal GaN microdisk and micropyramid, we realized the GaN microdisk was established with the capture of N atoms by most-outside Ga atoms to form the diverging growth. The GaN micropyramid was established due to the missing of most-outside N atoms to form converging growth.
In fabrication of GaN microdisk device, we have fabricated self-assembled wurtzite/zinc-blende/wurtzite GaN heterophased quantum well on GaN microdisk. The GaN wurtzite structure is stacking in ABAB… layer sequence, the phase transition is obtained with the development of C-layer by rotating the threefold symmetric N-Ga vertical bond of B-layer 60o and then repeats the ABCABC…layer sequence. The zinc-blende/wurtzite phase transition can be established, vice versa. Therefore, the sequence of ABABCABCABAB can be achieved to form wurtzite/zinc-blende/wurtzite GaN heterophased quantum well without lattice mismatch.
In addition, we have also grown InGaN/GaN quantum well atop GaN microdisk. By verifying the ratio of indium and gallium, we obtained the indium concentration of the InxGa1-xN/GaN quantum well to be 25% with a band gap energy of 2.31 eV, which is consistent with the bowing effect of bulk InxGa1-xN: Eg(x) = [3.42-x*2.65-x*(1-x)*2.4] eV.


Chapter 1: Introduction……………………………………………….....4

Chapter 2: The crystal growth of GaN microdisk and micropyramid
2.1 background………………………………………………….10
2.2 sample growth………………………………………………12
2.3 experimental results…………………………………………14

Chapter 3: GaN hetero-phase quantum well on GaN microdisk
3.1 background……………………………………………….....29
3.2 sample growth………………………………………………31
3.3 experimental results…………………………………………33

Chapter 4: InGaN/GaN quantum well on GaN microdisk
4.1 background………………………………………………….45
4.2 sample growth………………………………………………48
4.3 experimental results…………………………………………50

Chapter 5: Conclusions………………………………………………….63
List of papers…………………………………………………………...70
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