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研究生(外文):Hui-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Integral Functional Assessment Methodology for Constructed Wetlands
指導教授:楊 磊葉欣誠葉欣誠引用關係
指導教授(外文):Lei YangShin-Cheng Yeh
外文關鍵詞:HGMDPSIRfunctional assessmentwetlandsFCI
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Since 2001, the simulated-field tests and researches with simulations for wetland characteristics and then with the constructions for relevant issues, such as natural treatment and ecological conservation, about the on-site waste water treatment by constructed wetlands (CWs), have been a trend. And the relevant governmental authorities subsidize actively the plans regarding CW water purification engineering and ecological restoration. Nevertheless, the effects of some construction projects for the CWs are poor so that the relevant authorities begin to review them and evaluate the effects of relevant plans and decrease the subsidy to the construction plans for the CWs.
Owning to that, the methods, no matter domestic or foreign, used to evaluate and assess wetlands were collected in the current study. Initially, after the integrative evaluation procedures for CW plans were set up, the two-stage CW function evaluation questionnaire survey was conducted, the literature data and the DPSIR model were applied, the expert questionnaire was designed, and the integrative evaluation system for CW functions was developed through the function indicator correlation evaluation and analysis. Prior to the aforesaid survey, the questionnaire survey used to screen the questionnaire indicator items was conducted, which divided the wetland function evaluation items into three phases, biological condition evaluation, non-biological condition evaluation, and value evaluation, nine major indicators and 58 sub-indicators. The study results showed that, under general CW operation evaluation items, the weight of indicators such as “hydrology and geology”, “landscape setting”, and “public awareness and education” must be increased and the evaluation would be more complete if the weight of indicator “plant species and population” for CW ecological function was strengthened. Subsequently, based on the contents of the selected function-indicators, five indicators and 32 sub-indicators, the two-stage expert questionnaire was administered. With the results of the questionnaire, six phases, 13 indicators, 30 sub-indicators and 61 variables were confirmed. With the indicator correlation between the indicators as a coefficient, and the adequate importance obtained from the questionnaire for the indicators as an independent function value, the structure and mode for CW function indicator evaluation were set up.
With the CW function evaluation mode set up in this study, the case analyses for the six CWs in Dapeng Bay suggested that the functions presented in the six CWs met the original purposes for building the six CWs. In the future, the contents of the function evaluation could be modified further for long-term evaluation. And the CW changes could be Informatized for the establishment of the Dapeng Bay CW function evaluation website system for search for the function changes that occurred in the past years and for the Dapeng Bay authorities to refer to for monitoring and management. Even it could be developed to be a website for rapid CW function evaluation, opened to the public that search for wetland functions on web after visiting the wetlands. Simultaneously, it could be used for real-time monitoring of wetland dynamics in assisting the wetland operation units to monitor and manage the wetlands.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機與背景 ................................................................1
1.2 研究目的 ............................................................................3
1.3 研究方法與流程 ................................................................5
第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................................7
2.1 人工濕地發展歷程..............................................................7
2.1 人工濕地在環境保育與環境工程角色 ............................8
2.3 台灣人工濕地政策發展......................................................16
2.4 人工濕地建置....................................................................21
2.4.1 人工濕地建置目的以及原則性…………….…………………21
2.4.2 各國濕地評估建構情形………………….……………………21
2.4.3 人工濕地計畫流程範疇界定………………..…………………26
2.5 人工濕地功能指標............................................................36
2.5.1 人工濕地功能評估目的與原則性…….……………………36
2.5.2 探討人工濕地功能指標內容……….……………………..37
第三章 研究方法 .....................................................................44
3.1 建立人工濕地功能指標評估模式......................................45
3.2 數據收集和指標的重要性排序..........................................47
第四章 結果與討論 ........................................................................54
4.1 人工濕地計畫整合性評估………......................................54
4.1.1 人工濕地計畫施作流程…………….……………….…………..54
4.1.2 人工濕地計畫面向之關聯性評估及案例分析………………..……..55
4.2 人工濕地功能指標關聯性..................................................59
4.2.1 人工濕地功能指標關聯性探討………………….………………..59
4.2.2 人工濕地功能指標關聯性評估及案例分析……….……..……..77
4.3 人工濕地功能評估........................................................... 84
4.3.1 專家問卷審查結果…………..……………..……………………85
4.3.2 專家問卷審查關聯性分析………………………………………92
4.3.3 第二次專家審查結果…………………………………..………101
4.4 案例分析........................................................................... 116
第五章 結論與建議 ...........................................................................132
5.1 人工濕地施作計劃……………………………………………...132
5.2 人工濕地關聯性評估………………..…………………………132
5.3 人工濕地功能指標評估…………………….……………………..133
5.4 建議…………………………………………………………………135
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