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研究生(外文):Pei-sang Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Multi-Factor Alpha Model Constructed Using Multi-lag-period Information— with Application in the Taiwan Market
指導教授(外文):Yih Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Alpha modelQuantitative portfolio managementmulti-factor
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The main objective of this study is to generate values by combining the current and prior values of descriptors to improve the performance of a portfolio constructed based on the standard alpha model of Hsu et al. (2011). The Polynomial Distributed Lag Model, a time-series model, is adopted to detect the optimal lag length of each company in our research. After measuring an “adequate” lag length for each descriptor, we use the approach of exponential smoothing to combine the current and multi-lag-period descriptors. Instead of using the subjective method applied inHsu et al. (2011), our study calculates some statistics to filter the valid descriptors.
The empirical results suggest that the new values of the monthly and weekly frequency descriptors should substitute the original ones, especially those within the Value factor. When compared with a portfolio constructed using the raw descriptor values, the IR of the portfolio with the new values of monthly and weekly descriptors is increased from 0.203 to 0.612. Although its tracking error rises slightly by 0.28%, this portfolio still achieves the requirement of an enhanced index fund, which is below 3%.
摘要 II
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation for Research 3
2.1 Modern portfolio theory 6
2.2 Multi-Factor model 7
2.3 Information Analysis 10
2.4 Optimal Alpha Model 11
3.1 Analytical framework 14
3.2 Data pre-processing 18
3.3 Extracting the multi-period information of descriptors 21
3.4 Composition of the multi-lag-period information by exponential smoothing 26
3.5 Testing of the descriptor validity 27
3.6 Computing alpha score via two-stage model 33
3.7 Blending the weekly descriptors and the monthly descriptors 36
3.8 Exponential smoothing of alpha scores 37
3.9 Constructing the enhanced index portfolio to diagnose the validity of alpha scores 38
4.1 Data and Databases 41
4.2 Raw Sample 42
4.3 Results 46
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