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研究生(外文):Ling-yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Explore the Late Comers’ Competitive Advantage and Strategy of Taiwan Video Surveillance Industry from the point of view of Industry Key Success Factors – Example of LC Company
指導教授(外文):Bih-Shiaw Jaw
外文關鍵詞:Late EntrantCompetitive AdvantagesCompetitive StrategyIP Surveillance SystemLate ComerVideo Surveillance IndustryKey Success Factor
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本研究以該產業領導廠商的分析中,確認出該產業的關鍵成功因素為:1.開發差異化產品之創新與研發能力2.具備低成本與高品質之競爭優勢 3.產業結構分析與市場定位之能力 4.拓展與掌握國際行銷通路的能力5.產業上下游之垂直整合能力6.完善的「人才儲備」規劃能力 7.建立自有品牌,提高自有品牌營運能力;且依據產業關鍵成功因素對案例公司─後進者代表進行分析,並且提出改善方針與策略建議;作為後進者進入產業擬定策略的參考模式。本研發新發現的二項產業關鍵成功因素主要是將台灣專屬的產業環境因素:1.人力結構因素;2.國際市場地位因素納入考量而提出的;且考量大部分台灣的後進者皆為中小企業,有其資源上的限制,無法同時滿足所有的產業關鍵因素,因此提出三項建議作為中小企業策略執行的先後順序的參考基準,如下:
1. 進入產業時,必須擁有的競爭條件:
2. 進入產業後,短期內必須具備的競爭優勢
3. 保持長久競爭力必須具備的關鍵競爭力
When most of big Taiwan High-Tech manufactories got negative impact on their profit during global economic crisis in year 2009, a group of Taiwan High-Tech SMEs from Video Surveillance Industry continues having tremendous growth on its profit. These SMEs use its limited resource to develop unique competitive advantages for the niche market and have successfully created enormous profit, as the result, more and more companies from other industries that are looking for new business choose to enter Video Surveillance Industry and hope to obtain fruitful profit. As the competition of this industry is increased, new comers can obtain the success only if they own more competitiveness than other competitors. Therefore, how to use the limited resource on the proper competitive strategy has become the most priority challenge for Managers; Industry Key Success Factors can help Managers to clarify its company’s advantages and disadvantage and also help Managers to develop its competitive strategies.
The Industry Key Success Factor of Video Surveillance Industry is confirmed through the analysis of the competitive strategies of Industry Leading Companies, there are as follow:
1. Innovation and R&;D capabilities of developing differentiated products;
2. Have Low Cost and High Quality competitive advantages;
3. Analysis ability of Industry Structure and Market Positioning ability;
4. Capability of expanding International Market Channel;
5. Vertical Integrating capability of the Industry;
6. Reserve of Talents planning capability;
7. Building Own Brand, enhance OBM business capability.
The last two Industry Key Success Factors are the new findings in this study, the new findings are found because of two unique factors of Taiwan Industry Environment as follow: 1. Taiwan Human Resource Structure; 2. Taiwan International Market Position. Furthermore, concerning most of the new comers are SMEs that are with limited resource, this study gives further suggestion on the sequence of priority of Key Success Factors, there are as below.
1. Competitiveness that company must have when enter the industry:
- Outstanding Technology development skills and Low Cost and High Quality Products.
2. Competitive advantages must be developed within short time after entering the Industry.
- Capabilities of predominating market channel and vertical Integration.
3. The key factors of maintaining competitiveness in long term.
- OBM business ability and Reserve of talents planning ability
目 錄
中文摘要……………………………………………………………... i
英文摘要…………………………………………………………….. ii
目錄……………………………………………………………..……. iv
圖目錄………………………………………………………………... vi
表目錄………………………………………………………………… vii
第 一 章 諸論……………………………………….……………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機………...……………………………... 1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………….. 2
第 二 章 文獻探討..………………………………………………... 4
第一節 產業關鍵成功因素相關理論………………………...... 4
第二節 後進者競爭優勢分析相關理論……………………….. 8
第三節 影像監控產業概述……………………………………... 17
第 三 章 研究設計..……………………………………………….... 28
第一節 研究方法與流程………………...................................... 28
第二節 研究範圍與對象……………………………………….... 30
第三節 訪談對象與訪談內容設計…………………………….... 32
第 四 章 台灣影像監控產業產業關鍵成功因素……..………….... 37
第一節 產業環境分析……………….………………………....... 37
第二節 產業領導廠商行為模式分析….………………………... 40
第三節 產業領導廠商SWOT和五力分析……………………... 54
第四節 產業關鍵成功因素確認……………………………….... 59
第五節 後進廠商參考產業關鍵成功因素之建議……………... 64
第 五 章 後進廠商LC公司策略分析與建議…..…..…………....... 66
第一節 LC公司介紹…………………………………………...... 66
第二節 LC公司經營管理現況與競爭優勢探討……………….. 69
第三節 LC公司改善方針與競爭策略建議…………………...... 75
第 六 章 研究總結..……………………………………………….... 81
第一節 研究結論與發現....…………..………………………...... 81
第二節 研究限制和後續研究建議…………..………………….. 85
參考文獻………………………………………………..…….………. 87
附錄 訪談問答摘要..…………………………………..…………….. 92
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