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研究生(外文):Chien-Chih Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Linux Porting and Integration Verification of An Academic 32-bit Processor
指導教授(外文):Ing-Jer Huang
外文關鍵詞:microprocessorcache transfer operationpage faultoperating systemintegration verificationexternal interrupt
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For improving the performance and application of microprocessor, it is necessary to integrate pipelined core, exception control unit, cache unit and memory management unit (MMU). The operating system is an effective way for microprocessor integration verification. However, it is not a feasible debugging methodology to detect the exact design bug while operating system booting crash. We found the main execution features of operating system are the data transfer and exception handling. We propose an integration verification methodology based on these execution features. The methodology is to verify concurrent cache transfer operation, consecutive cache transfer operation, external interrupt exception handling, page fault exception handling and multiple interrupt exception handling for microprocessor integration. We utilize ARM7-Like developed by our laboratory to do the experiment. It is effective to detect the design bugs in RTL simulation by the software-based verification methodology proposed by us. The modified ARM7-Like microprocessor is able to successfully boot Linux kernel and execute user applications in FPGA.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation 1
Chapter 2. Related work 2
2.1. Pipelined core verification 2
2.2. Exception/Interrupt verification 4
2.3. Cache verification 6
Chapter 3. Introduction of ARM7-Like microprocessor 8
3.1. Pipelined core 8
3.2. Cache unit 18
3.3. Memory management unit 20
Chapter 4. Integration verification for ARM7-Like microprocessor 30
4.1. Overview 30
4.2. Fault for cache transfer operation 32
4.2.1. Fault for concurrent cache transfer operation 32
4.2.2. Fault for consecutive cache transfer operation 34
4.3. Fault for pipelined core exception handling 36
4.3.1. Fault for external interrupt handling 36
4.3.2. Fault for data page fault handling 38
4.3.3. Fault for instruction page fault handling 41
4.3.4. Fault for multiple interrupt type 1 handling 43
4.3.5. Fault for multiple interrupt type 2 handling 46
Chapter 5. Linux porting for ARM7-Like microprocessor 50
5.1. U-Boot-1.1.4 50
5.2. Linux-2.6.29 kernel 51
5.3. Busybox-1.16.1 65
Chapter 6. Experimental results 67
6.1. RTL verification of ARM7-Like 67
6.2. Fault list and correction of ARM7-Like 73
6.3. FPGA verification of ARM7-Like 82
Chapter 7. Conclusion 86
Reference 87
Appendix A.U-boot patch list 89
Appendix B.Linux kernel patch list 93
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