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研究生(外文):He-Yu Chung
論文名稱(外文):Design Assessments of a Magnetic-geared Double-rotor Permanent Magnet Generator
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Tsung Liu
外文關鍵詞:direct couplingmagnetic gearpermanent magnet generatordual-rotor machinevoltage regulation
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本研究旨在設計一台採用雙轉子結構與同軸式磁性齒輪概念的永磁同步發電機,可以在不需要透過機械轉換的情況下,能夠達到直接汲取風能或是洋流能並轉化為電能的目的。除了實體結構的實現,本研究將呈現具磁性齒輪功能之雙轉子永磁發電機的詳細設計與進行相關的損失評估,並且總結整理兩個轉子上永久磁石的充磁方向與排列方式的差異,適當的選擇線圈線徑與繞組的方式,以及不同負載狀況下,產生的端電壓相位移與雙轉子永磁發電機運轉效率之關係。本論文將說明不須外加機械齒輪可直接與驅動源耦合之輕便2.5 kVA級雙轉子永磁發電機之實現過程,並直接透過令人滿意的運轉效能來確認此電機結構之可行性。
The purpose of this research is to provide systematic design of a permanent magnet (PM) generator, by adopting the double-rotor and the coaxial magnetic gear structural concept, which is suitable for harvesting the wind energy or the marine tidal energy directly without mechanical conversions. In addition to the physical model realizations, this research will present the detailed design and implementation concerns of the magnetic-geared double-rotor PM generator along with thorough loss assessments. The comparisons of PM magnetization directions and arrangements at different rotors, the selections of proper coils and windings, and the operational efficiencies of this machine along with terminal voltage phase shifts due to different loading conditions will all be summarized and confirmed by finite element analyses (FEA). The realization process of a portable 2.5 kVA generator that can be directly coupled to the driven source without additional mechanical gears will be demonstrated, and the feasibility of such a machine structure can certainly be confirmed from the satisfactory performance results.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
符號對照表 x

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 5
1.3 研究目標與重點 11

第二章 磁性齒輪結構之探討與分析 12
2.1 磁性齒輪概述 12
2.2 磁性齒輪原理探討 16
2.3 磁性齒輪轉子結構探討 21

第三章 永磁磁性齒輪雙轉子發電機結構設計 26
3.1電機結構設計 26
3.2槽極數選擇 28
3.3磁性齒輪齒比選擇 31
3.4雙轉子結構設計 35
3.5磁通量分析 39

第四章 永磁磁性齒輪雙轉子發電機線圈設計 45
4.1三相繞組繞線原理 45
4.2線圈線徑之評估 51
4.3電壓和輸出功率特性分析 53

第五章 永磁磁性齒輪雙轉子發電機規格與操作分析 57
5.1雙轉子永磁發電機規格 57
5.2操作特性分析 63

第六章 結論與建議 69

參考文獻 70

作者自述 73
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