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研究生(外文):Bo-Rung Su
論文名稱(外文):The equivalent circuit modeling for Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
指導教授(外文):Chie-In Lee
外文關鍵詞:Breakdown regionInductiveImpact ionizationOscillationBreakdown network
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This thesis proposes a modified small signal model for silicon germanium heterojunction bipolar transistor (SiGe HBT). The breakdown network in the intrinsic base-collector (BC) junction is used to model the output characteristics in the breakdown region, and it shows good agreement between the measured and simulated S-parameters. When the impact ionization in the BC junction becomes significant, the generated breakdown hole current and breakdown electron current will result in the oscillation in S11 and inductive S22, respectively. We investigate the breakdown mechanism and the affect on the input and output impedance from the direct current (DC) and radio frequency (RF) measurements, and the modified small signal model can accurately fit the measured S-parameters both in the active and breakdown regions.
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 章節規劃-----------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二章 垂直結構矽鍺異質接面雙載子電晶體的基本操作特性--------------3
2.1 異質接面雙載子電晶體直流操作特性-----------------------------------3
2.2 異質接面雙載子電晶體崩潰電壓特性-----------------------------------5
2.3 異質接面雙載子電晶體直流崩潰特性-----------------------------------6
2.4 異質接面雙載子電晶體的直流倍增因子M-1--------------------------9
第三章 射頻操作下的崩潰特性--------------------------------------12
3.1 S11的振盪特性--------------------------------------------12
3.2 S22的電感現象-----------------------------------------15
3.3 傳統異質接面雙載子電晶體小訊號模型------------------------------17
第四章 異質接面雙載子電晶體崩潰模型建立----------------------------------20
第五章 結論與未來展望-------------------------------------------------------------36
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