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研究生(外文):Chieh Li
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of the Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide on the Radiation Absorption and Temperature Profile in Troposphere
指導教授(外文):Peng-Sheng Wei
外文關鍵詞:water vaporradiative heat transferabsorption coefficientcarbon dioxidegreenhouse gasesclimate changegreenhouse effectsglobal warming
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為了簡化數值運算,本研究將大氣模型假設為單純熱傳導及輻射之一維系統。太陽將能量以紫外線(7%)、可見光(44%)、及紅外線(37%)傳入地球[3],部分短波除了可見光(0.4 μm 至0.7 μm)可穿透至對流層,大部分均在對流層頂(Tropopause)被吸收或反射,而在對流層內自地表所散發的長波熱輻射則多被溫室氣體如水蒸氣及二氧化碳等所吸收。被吸收之能量會上下兩向再次被輻射,而向下的輻射則會被地球表面所吸收,進而導致溫度的上升,故水蒸氣及二氧化碳為氣候暖化一個很重要的因素。其中二氧化碳之濃度更是逐年提升,相對於水蒸氣存在周期八至十天而言,其周期是以百年計算,故影響日益加劇,現今研究多將二氧化碳列為主要溫室氣體。
The work on this paper focus on the effect of the water vapor and carbon dioxide on the absorption of atmospheric radiation and the temperature within the troposphere (10km above the ground), which is based on the realistic temperature- and pressure- or concentration-dependent radiative properties. And for simplicity, this model is assumed one-dimension and only concerning about the conduction and radiation.
As we know, the earth receives energy from the sun in the form UV, visible light, and near infrared radiation. And virtually all wave below 290 nm is absorbed at tropopause (top of the troposphere), and the wave between 300 nm and 800 nm is weakly absorbed and transmitted into the troposphere. Some of them are absorbed by the land and ocean, about 50%. Then the earth surface radiates the energy back in the form of far infrared thermal radiation, which is mostly absorbed by the atmosphere. Those absorbed far IR thermal radiation is re-radiated both upwards and downwards, and the downwards part is absorbed by the earth surface, which leads to a raising temperature. As a result, the influence of water vapor and carbon dioxide on global warming is growing day by day. Although the water vapor absorbs most of the infrared emitted by the ground, yet it got a shorter period about 8 days. Comparing to that, the concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing gradually since the industry revolution due to the anthropogenic emission like burning fossil fuel and deforestation .That’s why recent surveys of global warming all list Carbon dioxide as the main greenhouse gases.
The computed results in this work quantitatively show that water vapor and carbon dioxide play an important role on affecting the temperature difference about 2 to 5 Celsius degree and therefore remind us of taking notice of the global warming.
論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
符號說明 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 4
1-3研究目的 5
第二章 分析模型與假設 6
2-1模型建立 6
2-2空氣統御方程式 8
2-3擴散方程式 11
2-4 Exponential Wide Band Model 之吸收係數驗證 33
第三章 結果與討論 41
3-1 Picket Fence Model溫度模擬 41
3-2 Exponential Wide Band Model溫度模擬 48
3-3 Picket Fence Model 與Exponential Wide Band Model吸收係數比較 51
第四章 結論 57
附錄一 二氧化碳各波段總吸收量驗證數據 58
附錄二 水蒸氣各波段之波數吸收係數驗證數據 66
附錄三 Gauss’ Formula, Arbitrary Interval 77
參考文獻 78
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