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研究生(外文):Chun-hsu Chu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Effect and Medical Cost about Revascularization Procedure for Diabetic Foot
指導教授(外文):Ying-chun Li
外文關鍵詞:major lower limb amputationrevascularizationperipheral artery occlusive diseasediabetes
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結論: 接受血管處置術無法減少糖尿病合併週邊血管阻塞的病患,日後發生下肢大截肢的機會。在有限的醫療資源下,對於這些病患,我們應該要審慎思考血管處置術的執行。

OBJECTIVE:Using the National Health Insurance research database, we investigated diabetic patients in Taiwan with peripheral artery occlusive disease. To see if revascularization procedures would protect patients from major lower limb amputation. Also, we analyze the utilization of health care in admission. We expect that the results will be useful for the health administration to make a medical policy for these patients and more fully utilization of the National Health Insurance.
METHODS:We used the National Health Insurance research database from the National Health Research Institute. We collected from the ambulatory care claim in the diabetic special topic files, the patients in 2002 who had been diagnosed with both diabetes and peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD). We followed up with these patients for 7 years (2002-2008). We collected the numbers of patients who had revascularization procedures, major lower limb amputation and inpatient claims.
RESULTS:The total number of patients with diabetes and PAOD from 2002 ambulatory care claim was 1463. There were 213 patients with revascularization from the inpatient claims databases(2002-2008). 63(29.58%) of these 213 patients suffered from major lower limb amputation. There were 1250 patients without revascularization and 263(21.04%) of these patients suffered from major lower limb amputation. The revascularized patients had significant higher rates of major lower limb amputation than those without revascularization (p=0.006<0.05). No significant difference was noted of the length of the hospital stay between revascularized and non-revascularized patients(p=0.2258). There was significant difference of inpatient claims between revascularized and non-revascularized patients(p<0.05). The highest report of an inpatient claim occurred in the revascularized patients with major lower limb amputation(NT$441,737). The 2nd highest one occurred in the revascularized patients without major lower limb amputation(NT$216,372). The 3rd highest one occurred in the non-revascularized patients with major lower limb amputation(NT$166,962). In the logistic regression analysis, revascularization and older age were significant predictors of major lower limb amputation (revascularization odds ratio 1.4279).
CONCLUSION: Revascularization does not reduce the major lower limb amputation in these DM patients with PAOD. Because of limited medical resources, we should carefully consider applying the revascularization procedure for future patients.
Keywords:Diabetes, Peripheral artery occlusive disease, Revascularization, Major lower limb amputation

目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題與假設 5
第二章 文獻查證 6
第一節 糖尿病與下肢截肢的關係 6
第二節 下肢血管處置的介紹 8
第三節 下肢血管處置對糖尿病足的成效 9
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究假設與架構 13
一、研究假設 13
二、研究架構 13
第二節 研究對象與資料來源處理 14
一、研究對象 14
二、資料來源與處理 14
第三節 研究變項與操作型定義 16
一、研究變項 16
二、操作型定義 17
第四節 資料處理與分析方法 19
一、描述性統計分析 19
二、推論性統計分析 19
第四章 研究分析與結果 20
第一節 描述性統計分析 20
第二節 推論性統計分析 26
第五章 討論與建議 29
第一節 研究討論 29
第二節 研究假設驗證 32
第三節 研究限制 33
第四節 建議 34
參考文獻 35
圖 次
圖3-1 本研究架構圖 13
圖3-2本研究流程 18
表 次
表1-1 2002-2011台灣糖尿病死因順位、死亡人數、每十萬人口死亡率統計 3
表1-2 2000-2009台灣糖尿病人數及盛行率統計 3
表2-1國內健保支付截肢手術費用 7
表2-2台灣地區糖尿病患各年度下肢大截肢人次 7
表2-3 繞道手術及血管整形術費用 8
表2-3 不支持血管處置能降低大截肢相關研究整理 10
表2-4 支持血管處置能降低大截肢相關研究整理 12
表3-1 研究樣本ICD-9 codes 14
表3-2門診處方及治療明細檔本研究有關的欄位整理 14
表3-3住院醫療費用清單明細檔本研究有關的欄位整理 15
表3-4醫事機構基本資料檔本研究有關的欄位整理 15
表3-5變項說明表 17
表4-1有無接受血管處置病患的描述性統計分析 21
表4-2民國九十一年糖尿病合併下肢血管阻塞病人於7年內追蹤分析 23
表4-3研究樣本之共病性分布情形 24
表4-4研究樣本之住院資源使用情形(不論任何原因住院) 25
表4-5研究樣本之住院資源使用情形(因血管處置或截肢原因住院) 25
表 4-6有無接受血管處置其大截肢數差異是否有達到統計上顯著的意義 26
表 4-7有無接受血管處置其住院日數、住院費用等差異是否有達到統計上顯著的意義 26
表 4-8有接受血管處置的病患在大截肢數,住院日數,住院費用,年齡是否有任何變項之間存在高度相關情形 26
表 4-9無接受血管處置的病患在大截肢數,住院日數,住院費用, 年齡是否有任何變項之間存在高度相關情形 27
表4-10有無接受血管處置其大截肢的機率是否有差 28
表4-11將病患共病性列入分析其大截肢的機率是否有差異 28
表 5-1本研究假設與結果彙整表 30

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