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研究生(外文):Chen Yen-Fei
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical Analysis of Lower Limbs during Plyometric Exercise – Box Jump
指導教授(外文):Wu Hong-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Plyometric exercisebox jumps
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  Plyometric exercise is widely used as a training program for competitive athletes to increase their explosive power and to improve their performance. Also, it is getting popular to be used as a therapeutic exercise for post-injured athletes to help them to return to sports. The purpose of this study was to compare two plyometric box jumps (cross the box and front the box) and to investigate the effect of different jumping speeds (60 bpm, 75 bpm and 90 bpm) toward the intensity and human body. Twelve healthy, male athletes were recruited from track and field team in National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport. Kinematics and kinetics data of lower extremities were collected via three-dimensional motion analysis system and two force plateforms during the box jumping tasks under three different rates. We found that front the box (FB) had more hip and knee flexion at the checkpoint of maximum knee flexion, more time to maximum keen flexion and better ACL stabilization than cross the box (CB). While 90 bpm had less hip adduction, knee valgus and knee valgus/varus moments as well as internal/external rotation moments. According to our finding, we suggest that FB and 90 bpm are more suitable to be included in the training protocol for post-injured athletes in the return to sport phase of rehabilitation.
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