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研究生(外文):Tseng Hsiao-Chia
指導教授(外文):Fang Shih-Hua
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  研究背景:為了激發運動員身體機能的最大潛力,以達到更快、更高、更強的目標,必須在訓練過程中進行生理、生化、營養學等方面的研究,藉由運動量、運動強度、疲勞及恢復的監控,讓教練更準確掌握運動員對訓練負荷的承受能力及合理安排訓練課表,促進選手達到最佳競技狀態。目的:本文旨在探討男性自由車選手攝取不同增補液後,其100公尺公路賽爬坡衝刺成機與生化指標是否有改變。方法:以9名大甲高中自由車隊選手為研究對象,平均年齡17.7±1.03歲,採隨機交叉排定操弄順序,分別為補充市售運動補充飲料(POW)、綠茶(TEA)及糖水(CHO)。每隔一周換一種增補液進行運動測試,30分鐘熱身後,進行模擬比賽時高強度的爬坡衝刺,每組8次,組間休息10分鐘,共3組,測試總時間為2小時。於運動前,後10分鐘及隔天早上採取靜脈血液樣本,並分析血漿肌酸激酶,乳酸,睪固酮,可體松,紅血球,白血球,嗜中性球,淋巴細胞及血糖。不管是POW組、TEA組或是CHO組在運動後或者是隔天,紅血球數與運動前比較沒有顯著差異。在 POW組運動後白血球顯著增加,在TEA組裡面運動後則顯著下降,而在CHO組的部分運動後也有顯著增加,在各組之間運動後或者是隔天都沒有顯著差異。嗜中性球的變化在POW組 、TEA組及CHO組運動後均有顯著增加 ,在各組之間運動後的POW組比CHO組以及TEA組的組間的嗜中性白血球有顯著增加。淋巴細胞的變化在POW組及CHO組運動後有顯著下降,但在TEA組裡面運動前後沒有顯著變化。血糖的變化在POW組與CHO組運動前後沒有顯著變化,但TEA組在運動後顯著下降。三組乳酸的變化在運動後以及隔天均有顯著增加。肌酸激酶的變化在三組運動後均無顯著差異,只有POW組於運動後隔天顯著高於運動前。睪固酮的變化在POW組及CHO組運動後有顯著下降;而運動後隔天三組睪固酮值均顯著增加。皮質醇的變化在POW組、TEA組以及CHO組運動前、後以及隔天都沒有顯著的變化;而運動後隔天POW組比其他兩組的皮質醇值有顯著增加。結論:本論文中青少年自由車選手在模擬比賽訓練過程,補充不同增補液對運動表現沒有顯著影響。

  Background: To motivate the athlete’s potential in sports performance, and to reach the goals of faster, higher, and stronger, we have to do research in training physiology, biochemistry, and nutrition and monitor the training volume, intensity, fatigue, and recovery so that coaches can understand exactly the athlete’s tolerance in training load and make an appropriate training program. Purpose: To understand the effect of different supplementary solutions on performance and biochemical indices of 100 meters sprint in climbing. Methods: The subjects were 9 athletes recruited from Da-Jia senior high school and the average age is 17.7±1.03 years old. Each subject was assign randomly and in cross orders to different sequences of intervention, included over-the-counter sports powder (POW), green tea (TEA), and sugar solution (CHO). There are 3 non-continued weeks and we gave one supplementary solution in each week. The total time is 2 hours and procedure of exercise test was included: 30 minutes for warm up, 3 sets 100 meters sprint climbing and 8 sprints in each set, and 10 minutes for rest between sets. We collected venous blood sample before exercise, after exercise for 10 minutes, and morning in next day, and then, the serum creatine kinase (CK) , Lactic acid, testersterone (T), cortisol (C), erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils, lymph cell, and glucose were analyzed. Result: There is no difference between the effects of different supplementary solutions on erythrocytes, leukocytes. In POW, TEA, and CHO duration, leukocytes, neutrophils, and lactic acid increased significantly, and lymph cells and testersterone declined significantly; leukocytes increased significantly in POW and CHO, but decreased significantly in TEA; neutrophils increase significantly in all interventions and POW was more significant than other interventions; lymph cells decreased significantly after exercise tests in POW and CHO and increased significantly in TEA; there’s no significant change of blood glucose in POW and CHO, but blood glucose declined significantly; lactic acid increased significantly in all interventions; creatine kinase has no significant change in all interventions, but increased significantly in next day of POW; testersterone decline significantly in POW and CHO, and increased significantly in next day of all interventions; cortisol has no significant change in all interventions, and however, the increased degree was larger in next day of POW than other interventions. Conclusion: Based on the results from junior athletes in the exercise tests, there is no effect of different supplementary solutions on sports performance.

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