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研究生(外文):Chu, Pei-Tzu
論文名稱:X 光廣角入射矽奈米線之表面繞射研究
論文名稱(外文):X-Ray Surface Diffraction Studies of Nanometer Silicon Wires
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shih-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Dynamical Theory of X-Ray DiffractionNanometer Silicon Wires
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本論文目的為以光子能量8.8785keV之X 光廣角入射矽奈米線,利用特定原子面(1 1 3)產生表面繞射光,使其沿著矽奈米線方向行走。改變能量、樣品角度φ、矽奈米線寬度等,觀察繞射光於矽奈米線之傳遞及繞射。實驗樣品設計為以晶向[0 0 1]矽單晶為基底,向下蝕刻出數根高度約為3μm,長度約為5mm,寬度450nm 至20μm 的直線形矽奈米線。

本論文的主要結果有兩部份。首先,在出射光2θ-scan 中可得4 個峰值,分別為純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光、純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光的鏡面反射光、矽奈米線結構造成的繞射光、矽奈米線結構造成的鏡面反射光。隨著旋轉樣品φ的角度增大,由於矽奈米線結構造成的繞射光入射矽奈米線表面角度變小,會與其鏡面反射光峰值會逐漸靠近,重合成一個峰值。φ的角度增大至20°時,只剩下純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光與鏡面反射光。此外,實驗上改變入射光能量與改變樣品φ的角度可以找到互相對應的結果。第二部分則是在出射光β-scan中,可得3 個峰值,分別為因空間幾何產生的純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光、由於純矽(1 1 3)繞射光打到矽奈米線側壁的反射光,以及目前原因不明之峰值。隨著φ的角度增大,純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光有0.57之關係,矽奈米線側壁的反射光相較純矽(1 1 3)表面繞射光偏轉角度0.86。
This work aims to allow wide-angle X-rays to incident into nanometer silicon wires at the photon energy 8.8785keV. Nanometer silicon wires were prepared on a [0 0 1] silicon wafer with 3μm high, 5mm long along [1 1 0] direction, 450nm to 20μm wide.

The major results of the diffraction experiments may be summarized as follows. First, we can get four peaks in vertical 2θ -scan, which are Si (1 1 3), specular reflection of Si (1 1 3), the peak due to nano-wire and its specular reflection. And the peak due to nano-wire and its specular reflection get closer and merge together when the rotation angle of sample φ increases. Only Si (1 1 3) and specular reflection of Si (1 1 3) left whenφ increase to 20°. Second, the results of different enery and φ can achieve the same effect.

Finally, there are three peaks in horizontal β -scan which are Si (1 1 3), Si(1 1 3) reflected by nano-wire, and the unexplained peak. As increasing φ , Si(1 1 3) wanders off into the relation 0.57, and the angle between Si (1 1 3) and its reflection of nano-wire has the following relationship 0.86.
摘要 ........................................................... I
Abstract ........................................................II
目 錄 ...........................................................IV
第一章 緒 論 ....................................................1
第二章 原 理 ....................................................2
2.1 布拉格繞射定律 ...........................................2
2.2 艾瓦建構 .................................................3
2.3 動力繞射理論..............................................5
2.3.1 基本波場方程式..........................................5
2.3.2 直角坐標系下的基本波場方程式 ...........................8
第三章 X光廣角入射矽奈米線實驗..................................14
3.1 矽奈米線設計.............................................14
3.2 矽奈米線製備.............................................16
3.3 實驗儀器 ................................................18
3.4 實驗步驟 ................................................20
第四章 實驗數據與分析 ..........................................24
4.1 實驗數據 ................................................24
4.1.1 偵測器垂直方向2θ-scan.................................24
4.1.2 改變樣品φ角度 ........................................26
4.1.3 改變矽奈米線線寬 ......................................28
4.1.4 改變入射光能量 ........................................29
4.2 偵測器水平方向β-scan ...................................35
4.2.1 改變樣品φ角度 ........................................35
4.2.2 改變入射點位置 ........................................37
4.2.3 改變矽奈米線線寬 ......................................38
4.3 理論分析 ................................................41
4.3.1 旋轉樣品φ與純矽(1 1 3)繞射光水平方向偏轉角度之關係....41
4.3.2 旋轉樣品φ與β-scan左側峰值偏轉角度之關係 .............44
4.3.3 純矽(1 1 3)繞射光與矽奈米線側壁反射光之相對關係 .......46
第五章 結 論 ...................................................49
參考文獻 ........................................................51
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