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研究生(外文):Lai, Yi-Ting
論文名稱(外文):How Does Authenticity of Story-Form Advertising Affect Brand Attitude
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
外文關鍵詞:StorytellingStory-Form AdvertisingAuthenticityBrand Attitude
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「創造以及訴說故事的能力,是21世紀企業必須擁有的最重要技能。」——Rolf Jensen。一個好的品牌故事或故事型廣告可以幫助企業打動人心,讓企業在顧客心中創造出具有深刻意義且影響長久的價值,進而強化品牌忠誠度。運用說故事的力量跟顧客進行有效的對話,是一個品牌之所以能夠屹立不搖的關鍵,也是企業努力追尋的目標。然而,一個扣人心弦的故事需要具備什麼要素呢?本研究將故事的真實性要素細分為標誌式及索引式兩種類型,並以產品價格作為調節變數,分別從主效果及交互作用效果探討各個構念間的關係及其如何影響品牌態度。

“Creating and telling a story is the most important and must-have capability for businesses in 21st century,” says Rolf Jensen. A good brand story or story-form advertisement enables businesses to grab customers’ attention and create meaningful value within their minds. In the meanwhile, customers’ brand loyalty will be strengthened. Utilizing the power of story-form advertising thus having an effective communication with customers is a critical issue for business to maintain an appealing brand. To have a better understanding of authenticity, one of the crucial elements for story, we categorize it into two types: iconic authenticity and indexical authenticity.
Adopting experiment design as our method, this study uses two between-subjects experiments to test hypotheses pertaining to the appropriate stories for both high and low price products. The results reveal that two types of authenticity (iconic and indexical authenticity) are both positively related to brand attitude; indexical authenticity correlates more with brand attitudes for low than for high price products. These findings provide insights for marketers to design effective and appropriate brand story for their products.

1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Issues 4
2.1 Brand Attitude 4
2.2 Storytelling 4
2.3 Authenticity 5
2.3.1 Types of Authenticity 6
2.4 Product Attributes: High and Low Price Products 9
2.5 Theoretical Framework 10
3. Methodology 11
3.1 Research Design 11
3.2 Pilot study 11
3.2 Research Method 12
4. Study 13
4.1 Stimulus materials 13
4.2 Measures 13
4.3 Pretest 14
4.4 Subjects and procedure 15
4.5 Manipulation checks 16
5. Analysis 17
5.1 Effects of iconic authenticity and indexical authenticity 17
5.2 Effects of price 19
6. Conclusion 20
6.1 Discussion and implications 20
6.2 Limitations and further research directions 21
References 23

Index of Figures and Tables
Figure 1 Research Framework 13
Table 1 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects 20
Figure 2 Plot of Interaction 21
Table 2 Simple Main Effect Test 22

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