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研究生(外文):Hui-min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets to Adaptive Assessment
指導教授(外文):Chang-shing LeeChih-kai Chang
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive AssessmentOntologyMonte Carlo Tree SearchType-2 Fuzzy Set
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圍棋的發展已有數千年的歷史,多年來已累積了大量棋士的知識,其中圍棋的佈局是影響棋局的發展及勝負的重要關鍵,不同的棋士可能會有不同的佈局策略與思考模式。本論文提出一套第二型模糊集合於適性評量之應用,包括棋士棋力知識本體建構及學生學習成效評量本體建置。在棋士棋力知識本體建構方面: 首先,收集及整理過去舉辦電腦圍棋邀請賽,不同棋力棋士與電腦對弈所產生的蒙地卡羅樹搜尋(Monte Carlo Tree Search, MCTS)模擬次數。然後,本論文以模糊理論為基礎,並以蒙地卡羅樹搜尋模擬次數為依據,將棋士棋力之知識概念化,以實際建構圍棋棋士於電腦對局結果之第二型模糊集合。在學生學習成效評量本體建置方面:教育部於民國95年啟動攜手計畫課後扶助方案(After School Alternative Program, ASAP),目的在提昇學習弱勢學生基礎學習能力,達成義務教育培育學生終身學習能力的目標。並於民國97年委託國立臺南大學建置攜手計畫課後扶助方案科技化評量系統(ASAP technology-based testing, ASAP-tbt),一方面支援全臺灣國民中小學學習落後學生鑑定,另一方面分析、追蹤並累積攜手計畫各校學生學習進展資訊,以為補救教學方向之參考。因此,本論文結合知識本體、模糊理論與模糊集合概念,應用到攜手計畫課後扶助方案,實際建構參與教育部攜手計畫適性評量之學生第二型模糊集合。將來,本論文之實驗結果可提供建構第二型模糊本體論之參考依據。
Go has developed for thousands of years so that the knowledge of Go players has been accumulated a lot for a long time. The layout of the Go game is a key factor to affect the game development and result. However, different Go players have different strategies and thinking models to layout the opening of the Go game. In this thesis, we apply the type-2 fuzzy sets (T2FS) to the adaptive assessment. There are two applications in this thesis. One is the construction of knowledge ontology about Go players with various levels. Generated by past Human vs. Computer Go Competitions, the simulation number of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is first collected and organized according to different levels of Go players. Then, based on the simulation number and fuzzy theory, this thesis actually constructs the T2FS to conceptualize the knowledge of the various Go players. Another is the construction of assessment ontology about students’ learning performance. Ministry of Education started After School Alternative Program (ASAP) in 2006. The objective of this program is to promote the disadvantaged students’ basic learning ability to achieve the compulsory education’s goal cultivating students to be with lifelong learning ability. In 2008, Ministry of Education then commissioned National University of Tainan (NUTN) to set up the ASAP Technology-based Testing (ASP-tbt) System. On one hand, this established system supports the assessment of the learning-behind students from elementary schools and junior high schools in Taiwan. On the other hand, this system also analyzes, tracks, and accumulates the learning progress of involved students from various schools to be a referred direction of remedial instruction. As a result, this thesis combines the technologies of ontology, fuzzy theory, with T2FS to apply them to the ASAP-tbt to actually construct the T2FS of the students involved the ASAP adaptive assessment. In the future, the experimental results of this thesis could provide a reference to construct the type-2 fuzzy ontology.
第一章 緒論 5
1.1 研究動機與目的 5
1.2 論文架構 5
第二章 相關研究與文獻探討 6
2.1 知識本體 6
2.2 模糊理論 8
2.3 模糊集合 11
第三章 模糊集合於電腦對局應用 12
3.1 電腦對局模糊推論系統 12
3.2 第一型模糊集合自動建構機制 15
3.2.1 自動建構流程 15
3.2.2 自動建構演算法 16
3.3 第二型模糊集合自動建構機制 17
3.3.1 自動建構流程 17
3.3.2 自動建構演算法 18
第四章 模糊集合於適性評量應用 20
4.1 適性評量推論系統架構 20
4.2 適性評量模糊推論系統 21
4.3 模糊集合自動建構機制 24
4.3.1 第一型模糊集合建構演算法 24
4.3.2 第二型模糊集合建構演算法 25
第五章 實驗結果與分析 26
5.1 電腦對局應用 26
5.1.1 聖母廟2012電腦圍棋邀請賽 27 比賽結果 28 模糊集合與結果分析 28
5.1.2 南大2012阿勃勒節電腦圍棋邀請賽 30 比賽結果 31 模糊集合與結果分析 31
5.1.3 澳洲IEEE WCCI 2012電腦圍棋邀請賽 33 比賽結果 34 模糊集合與結果分析 34
5.2 適性評量應用 35
5.2.1 教育部2010年攜手計畫 36 適性評量結果(中測與後測) 37 模糊集合與結果分析 38
5.2.2 教育部2011年攜手計畫 39 適性評量結果(前測與中測) 39 模糊集合與結果分析 41
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 43
參考文獻 44
附錄A. 攜手計畫平台使(四年級數學)不同水準學生典型表現描述 50
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