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研究生(外文):Chia-li Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Vapor Impacting Enhancement of Resonance for Vibration-Induced Energy Harvester
指導教授(外文):Ta-wei Lin
外文關鍵詞:Natural FrequencyResonanceCantilever BeamEnergy Harvester
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Heat pipe has the characteristic of high thermal conductivity. It is often used in the cooling of electronic components. When the heat pipe is heated, the liquid phase of working fluid changes to vapor phase. The vapor flows along the vapor spacing to the condenser section. The purpose of this study is using the deformation of the piezoelectric material by vapors impacting enables it to convert the vapor momentum to the power. The important issue is to find the resonant frequency between the hybrid PVDF and the vapor flow of the system. In this study, we used the vapor generator as the power source and measured the vapor frequency of this system. The vapor flow frequency of vapor generator is considered to be the objective function for Gene algorithm to optimize dimension of hybrid PVDF. The hybrid PVDF designed by combining a direct finite element solver with an optimal method. In order to change the natural frequency of hybrid PVDF, we combined PVDF with different cantilever beam material and adjusted the dimension of cantilever beams. Besides, the vapor velocity and the number of nozzles are the experimental parameters. Furthermore, the optimal hybrid PVDF is examining by shaker to confirm its natural frequency equal to system frequency. From experimental results, the copper hybrid PVDF improved 267.65%, the aluminum hybrid PVDF improved 293.38% and the PE hybrid PVDF improved 370.59%.
The results presented in this paper show that we had designed geometry of the cantilever beam combined with piezoelectric material through commercial software and genetic algorithm. It will achieve the resonance frequency with the vapor generator. Through the resonance frequency to improve the output voltage. Additionally, the material of cantilever beam affects output voltage. The present study is proven the PVDF used as energy harvester in heat pipe is worthy application.
摘要 I
表次 VII
符號索引 X
一、緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 1
1-3文獻回顧 2
1-4論文大綱 8
二、數學分析與理論基礎 14
2-1熱管之動能方程式 14
2-2熱管之蒸汽動能 17
2-3結構之振動方程式 18
2-4壓電基礎原理 19
2-5壓電材料種類 19
2-6壓電材料本構方程式 20
三、實驗設備 24
3-1實驗設備 24
3-2模擬分析 26
3-3最佳化方法 26
3-4壓電致電機構之設計 27
3-5實驗過程 28
3-6頻譜分析 29
3-6-1離散傅立葉轉換(Discrete Fourier Transform) 29
3-6-2快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform) 30
四、結果與討論 45
4-1量測平台建立 45
4-1-1噴嘴與壓電材料間距 45
4-1-2壓電材料壽命測試 45
4-2最佳化參數模擬分析 46
4-2-1最佳化設計之獵能器 46
4-2-2振動平台之驗證結果 47
4-3頻率對發電量之影響 47
4-4蒸汽速度對發電量之影響 49
4-5噴嘴數量對發電量之影響 50
五、結論與建議 82
5-1結論 82
5-2建議 83
參考文獻 84
個人簡歷 90
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