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論文名稱(外文):A Driver Safety Assistance System for Motorcycles
外文關鍵詞:a driver safety assistance system for motorcyclestop view image transformationobstacle detection
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The main objective of this thesis is to develop a driver safety assistance system for motorcycles. In Taiwan, the number of casualties of motorcycle accidents did not decrease recently. According to car accident statistics, distracting driving and tailgating caused about 30 percent of motorcycle accidents. The proposed driver safety assistance system for motorcycles is used to detect the safety distance between the owner’s vehicle and obstacle ahead, and gives the driver a warning signal if necessary. In this study, a smartphone is used as a research tool, while modern smartphones are sophisticated computing platforms with complex sensors. The phone camera can capture and record videos; the orientation sensor is used to obtain the pitch and roll angles, and GPS can help to get the precise coordinates of the motorcycles.
The study can be divided into two parts. Firstly, the transformation matrices of different camera angles are calculated and stored in a transformation matrix database. The transformation matrix database is constructed automatically. All the information the system needs includes input images, pitch angles, and roll angles. The system obtains the transformation matrix by solving the simultaneous equations about the corner information detected from the input image. Secondly, a kernel system is developed, including the following stages: turn each image into a top view, detect the distance between the owner’s vehicle and obstacle, and calculate the safe distance. The system can create the top view images using a suitable transformation matrix in the database. Moreover, the system can detect the obstacles in the top view images. Then the distance between owner’s vehicle and obstacles can be calculated. At the same time, the GPS embedded in the smartphone can help to obtain the speed of the vehicles to calculate the safe distance. Finally, the system will give the driver suitable warning signal after comparing two distances.
The experimental results show that the proposed real-time system is robust and efficient. Moreover, the system can work very well not only on motorcycles but also on cars.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 量測距離儀器 5
第三節 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 鳥瞰影像轉換 8
第二節 本車定位及移動距離計算 9
第三節 估算安全間距 12
第三章 機車駕駛安全輔助系統 14
第一節 系統環境架設 14
第二節 系統流程 15
第三節 轉換矩陣資料庫的建置流程 17
第四章 自動建置鳥瞰影像轉換矩陣資料庫 19
第一節 轉換矩陣的計算 19
第二節 自動產生鳥瞰轉換矩陣 21
第三節 校正方向感應器讀數 26
第五章 鳥瞰影像轉換與障礙物偵測 29
第一節 鳥瞰影像轉換 29
第二節 前方障礙物偵測 35
第三節 本車與障礙物之間距與安全間距的計算 38
第六章 實驗結果 41
第一節 座標點擷取的結果 41
第二節 前方障礙物偵測結果 49
第三節 本車與前方障礙物間距的計算結果 71
第七章 結論與未來工作 73
第一節 結論 73
第二節 未來工作 73
參考文獻 75

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