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研究生(外文):Chun-Wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):Simulation of reservoir density current and muddy lake during storm
指導教授(外文):Kwan Tun LeeWei-Sheng Yu
外文關鍵詞:numerical modeldensity currentwater entrainment coefficienttotal drag coefficientmuddy-lake
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台灣地區坡陡流急,且因颱洪時期降雨集中,故在水庫上游集水區易產生沖蝕與大規模之崩坍,其中含砂水流因與庫區清水有密度差異,在適當條件下會潛入庫底形成底層異重流往壩址運行。本研究使用MacCormack (1969)二階精度差分方式建置變量異重流數值模式,藉以模擬含砂水流因達到潛入條件而潛入水庫庫底,形成異重流後繼續往壩址移動,以瞭解異重流運移情形,且研究中利用質量守恆與渾水潭升降之經驗公式建立渾水潭模式,當異重流運移至壩址形成渾水潭後,模擬水庫放水時的泥砂濃度。

Hillslopes in Taiwan are usually steep with rapid flow. Severe erosion and even large scale landslide usually occur in concentrated rainstorms, which result in a large amount of sediment flowing through overland areas to channel network and then to downstream reservoir to reduce the useful life of reservoir. Since the density of the sediment laden flow is different from reservoir ambient water, the turbidity flow plunges into the reservoir bottom as a density current. The behavior of the turbidity current in the reservoir was simulated by using a density current model to imitate the turbidity plunging into the reservoir bottom and move to the dam site. A second-order MacCormack scheme was adopted to simulate the one-dimensional unsteady density current. A simplified muddy-lake model based on mass conservation and empirical equations was also developed for reservoir operation to estimate the reservoir outflow concentration.
Three major parameters, the water entrainment coefficient (Ew), the total drag coefficient (Cd), and the settling velocity (vs) were calibrated using the data from series saline-density-current flume tests. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to realize the influences of the coefficients on the thickness, velocity, and concentration of the density current. Good agreement can be found between the simulated and the recorded data using the calibrated Ew, Cd, and vs. Moreover, hydrological records from severe typhoons in the Tseng-wen reservoir of Taiwan were collected to demonstrate the capability of the proposed model for density current simulation. The developed model is promising to provide valuable information to authorities for reservoir operating to reduce reservoir sedimentation.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iii
圖次 v
表次 viii
第一章 導論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 前人研究 1
1.2.1 異重流實驗 2
1.2.2 異重流數值模式 3
1.3 研究方法 5
第二章 異重流與渾水潭數值模式 6
2.1 基本方程式 6
2.1.1 入庫明渠段 6
2.1.2 異重流潛入段 7
2.1.3 異重流段 8
2.1.4 渾水潭 9
2.2 異重流段之數值方法 11
2.2.1 計算基流情況各斷面的異重流基流厚度、速度與濃度 11
2.2.2 計算基流情況各斷面的變量異重流厚度、速度與濃度 12
2.2.3 計算無基流情況各斷面的變量異重流厚度、速度與濃度 13
2.3 數值邊界處理 13
第三章 數值模式參數敏感度分析 15
3.1 捲水係數 15
3.2 影響異重流運動的自變數 16
3.3 總阻力係數 17
3.4 沉降速度 17
3.5 異重流基流之方程式各項大小分析 18
第四章 數值模式驗證 19
4.1 無潛入現象之變量異重流驗證(基流情況) 19
4.2 潛入現象之變量異重流驗證(基流情況) 20
4.3 潛入現象之變量異重流驗證(無基流情況) 21
第五章 模式應用 23
5.1 曾文水庫概述 23
5.2 曾文水庫模式建置 23
5.2.1 曾文水庫斷面資料 23
5.2.2 水庫標高-面積-容積曲線 23
5.2.3 入流歷線推求 23
5.2.4 邊界條件設定 24
5.2.5 入流泥沙濃度 24
5.2.6 壩址平均濃度 24
5.2.7 異重流頭部平均速度 25
5.3 颱洪場次模擬 25
5.3.1 卡玫基颱風 25
5.3.2 辛樂克颱風 26
5.3.3 薔蜜颱風 27
5.3.4 莫拉克颱風 28
第六章 結論與建議 29
6.1 結論 29
6.2 建議 30
參考文獻 31

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