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研究生(外文):Mei-Chun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Effect of different degrees of roasting and store times on the antioxidant activity of coffee brews
指導教授(外文):Tze-Kuei Chiou
外文關鍵詞:coffeeantioxidant activityphenolic compoundscaffeine
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咖啡為普受喜好的飲料,含有羥基肉桂酸類(hydroxycinnamic acids)、咖啡因(caffeine)以及梅納汀(Melanoidins)等活性物質。本研究針對台南東山產咖啡豆,探討烘焙程度與沖泡後放置時間對總酚、類黃酮總量及抗氧化性的影響,進口巴西咖啡豆作對照比較。生咖啡豆於250oC烘培15分鐘(輕度)、17分鐘(中度)及18分鐘(重度)後,重量損失10-25%。沖泡咖啡後置於室溫,東山咖啡的總酚量都以1小時後最高,在輕、中、重度烘焙組分別為12.80、11.07、7.61 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g咖啡豆,輕度和中度烘焙巴西咖啡組為為13.06和10.00 mg GAE/g,但重度烘焙巴西咖啡以2小時組最高(8.43 mg GAE/g)。類黃酮總量於放置0.5小時後最高,東山組三組依序為2.09、1.53、0.71 mg QE/g,輕度和重度烘焙巴西組為1.94和0.77 mg QE/g。輕度和重度烘焙東山咖啡沖泡後0.5小時之DPPH清除力最高(98.2和69.4%),但中度烘焙組以2小時最高(96.7%);輕度和中度烘焙巴西咖啡沖泡後1小時之清除力最高,分別為94.3及94.5%,重度烘焙則以0.5小時組最高(91.8%);室溫放置24小時後,東山與巴西咖啡各組的清除力明顯降至最初的7.4-42.1%。輕度和重度烘焙東山咖啡以1小時組的還原力最高,分別為41.22和22.00 mg VCEC (vitamin C equivalent capacity)/g;三組的巴西咖啡皆以0.5小時組最高,分別為32.53、28.77和23.71 mg VCEC/g。HPLC分析酚類化合物和咖啡因,東山咖啡組的綠原酸含量介於106.26-160.26 µg/g,咖啡酸含量介於130.57-1491.44 µg/g,香豆素酸含量介於4.99-64.28 µg/g,阿魏酸含量介於1.00-77.63 µg/g,咖啡因含量介於831.73-1447.19 µg/g;對照組的巴西咖啡組綠原酸含量介於110.88-132.87 µg/g,咖啡酸含量介於316.67-1181.21 µg/g,香豆素酸含量介於9.55-60.50 µg/g,阿魏酸含量介於3.01-35.69 µg/g,及咖啡因含量介於1049.93-1156.13 µg/g。
The popularity of coffee is increasing around the world because of its role as a significant source of hydroxycinnamic acids, caffeine, and melanoidins. The aim of this work was to study the antioxidant properties of DongShan coffee brews with different degrees of roasting (light, medium, and dark) and their changes when stored at room temperature for up to 2 hours and at low temperature overnight. Brazil was selected as the control group. Antioxidant capacity by colorimetric assays (Total phenol content, Total flavonoids coontent, DPPH and Reducing power assay) and phenolic compounds and caffeine were quantified by using high performance liquid chromtography coupled with photodiode array detection. The coffee beans were roasted at 250oC as follows: light, 15 min; medium, 17 min; and dark, 18 min. The weight loss of DongShan and Brazil green coffee beans ranged from 10-25%. Total phenol content of DongShan coffee brews with different degrees of roasting increased significantly in an hour (light-12.80 mg gallic acid equivalents/g coffee, medium-11.07 mg GAE/g, dark-7.61 mg GAE/g) and for Brazil light- and medium-roasted coffee brews was 13.06 and 10.00 mg GAE/g, respectively. But Brazil dark-roasted coffee brews found the higher TPC in 2 hour (8.43 mg GAE/g). DongShan coffee brews exhibited the highest total flavonoids content was in 0.5 hour (light-2.09 mg QE/g, medium-1.53 mg QE/g, dark-0.71 mg QE/g) and as same as Brazil light- and dark- roasted coffee brews (light-1.94 mg QE/g, dark-0.77 mg QE/g). The highest radical scavenging activity of DongShan variety was in 0.5 (light-98.2%, dark-69.4%) and 2 (medium-96.7%) hour. The DPPH radical scavenging ability of Brazil light- and medium- roasted coffee brews was in an hour (94.3% and 94.5%) and dark- roasted coffee brews was in 0.5 hour (91.8%). It decreased ranged from 7.4-42.1% while storing at low temperature overnight. DongShan light- and dark-roasted coffee brews showed the highest reducing power in an hour (light-41.22 mg vitamin C equivalent capacity/g , dark-22.00 mg VCEC/g) and Brazil variety found in 0.5 hour (light-32.53 mg VCEC/g, medium-28.77 mg VCEC/g , dark-23.71 mg VCEC/g). According to the results of HPLC analysis, the content of polyphenols and caffeine in analysed DongShan varied in a wide range: chlorogenic acid from 106.26 to 160.26 µg/g, caffeic acid from 130.57 to 1491.44 µg/g, coumaric acid from 4.99 to 64.28 µg/g, ferulic acid from 1.00 to 77.63 µg/g and caffeine from 830.73 till 1447.19 µg/g. For Brazil varied in a wide range: chlorogenic acid from 110.88 to 132.87 µg/g, caffeic acid from 316.67 to 1181.21 µg/g, coumaric acid from 9.55 to 60.50 µg/g, ferulic acid from 3.01 to 35.69 µg/g and caffeine from 1049.93 till 1156.13 µg/g.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
附圖目錄 VII
附表目錄 VIII
壹、研究背景與目的 1
貳、文獻整理 2
一、咖啡簡介 2
(一) 醣類 4
(二) 胺基酸和蛋白質 4
(三) 脂質 5
(四) 羥基肉桂酸類(Hydroxycinnamic acids) 5
(五) 梅納汀(Melanoidins) 6
(六) 咖啡因(Caffeine) 8
二、抗氧化簡介及原理 9
(一) 總酚總量測定(Total phenol content, TPC) 9
(二) 類黃酮總量測定(Total flavonoids coontent, TFC) 9
(三) α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl自由基清除能力測試(DPPH assay) 9
(四) 還原力測定(Reducing power assay) 10
參、實驗架構 12
肆、材料與方法 13
一、實驗材料 13
(一) 樣品 13
(二) 藥品 13
(三) 層析管柱 14
(四) 儀器設備 14
二、實驗方法 14
(一) 咖啡製備法 14
(二) 抗氧化物質測試 14
(三) pH值、溫度和褐變度變化測試 15
(四) 抗氧化能力分析 15
(五) HPLC分析酚類和咖啡因含量之條件 15
三、統計分析 16
伍、結果與討論 17
一、輕、中、重度烘焙和沖泡後放置時間對總酚、類黃酮總量及抗氧化性的影響 17
(一) 總酚類總量測定 17
(二) 類黃酮總量測定 17
(三) pH值、溫度和褐變度變化 18
(四) DPPH自由基清除能力測試 18
(五) 還原力測定 19
二、HPLC分析酚類和咖啡因含量 19
陸、結論 21
柒、參考文獻 22

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