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研究生(外文):Chyi-Rung Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Theory and Practice of Extradition Law-An Exploration on Taiwan's Legal Regime From International Extradition Law
指導教授(外文):Robert Chen
外文關鍵詞:ExtraditionExtradition Actmutual justice assistancecustomary international lawimmunityrepatriation of criminal
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摘 要

Extradition refers to the requesting state with criminal jurisdiction, for the purposes of prosecuting or raising trials for criminals, or enforcing sentences to criminals, in accordance with bilateral treaties, principles of reciprocity or international comity, proposes to return criminals back from the requested state. Whereas the diversified and internationalized criminal patterns plus more organized manner of crime and convenience in transportation, the cross-state (cross-border) crimes such as money laundering, organized crime, financial fraud, drug transportation, destruction of environment and terrorism, often make a use of differences among cross-national legal systems to avoid legal sanctions. The mutual judicial assistance for criminal matters is the most effective lawful procedure to defeat international crimes, wherein the extradition is the most effective judicial activity hunting for the fugitives. However, over the past decades of years, our country had weaker status being positioned internationally, and our national sovereignty has been challenged, especially under China’s suppression, Taiwan (R.O.C.) never concluded with any formal extradition treaties with a majority of countries. Therefore, how to strengthen degrees of cooperation between our country and international community on mutual judicial assistance in criminal matters and defeating international crimes jointly become the issues needing urgent solution.
On the aspects of research methods, the Study first focuses on literature analysis, so as to integrate and establish complete series of knowledge and provide information for any solution to the problems effectively, as well as create independent thinking system, insights and concepts to serve as the theoretical base of the Study hereof. Further, a comparative study method was used to describe the facts and valued comments, systemically describe, compare and analyze more than two systems or facts, as well as identify differences or the pros and cons between them as the references to resolve the problem or improve the system containing base for system reform. Finally, a synthetic induction method was used to induce the literature analysis method and comparative study method stated above, which were served as the research methods to construct the regime of law of extradition. In this study, a synthesis method was used to combine and induce all analysis of literatures, inputs of experts and scholars, references of cases studies, historic international conventions and international practices, then, identify solution to the problems and regenerate new perspectives and new theories for references of amendments to “Extradition Act" and "Cross-strait Judicial Assistance Agreement”.
For the legal aspects of extradition, the Study firstly discusses the theory and practice of customary international law, including extradition of general principles of law and international practices, then followed by an interpretation of international conventions or the clauses as to extradition prescribed in regional multilateral conventions, where we learned that a majority of the contents in the international convention originate from customary international laws and expressed with a manner of convention for creation of codified international laws. Besides, many presidents of states or diplomatic representative were involved with severe degrees of serious international crimes, such as war crimes, the crime of aggression, genocide and against humanity, with which any claim pertain to the immunity right shall be raised and any extradition shall be rejected; this Study also discusses international practices and some international conventions such as 1961《Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations》, and 《International Criminal Court Statute》(ICC Statute) and so forth. On the examination procedure of extradition, as a result of difference among legal systems across nations, including applications of examination procedure for extradition, in this Study, a comparison of their pros and cons was also conducted through referring to the relevant judicial systems across nations and domestic ones. In addition, EU passed 《Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures》(FDEAWSP)in 2002, which abolished the extradition system across EU countries and replaced by surrender system that it classified the request as a simple judicial case, eliminating the rights of examination owned by the administrative authorities; there is a separate reviewer acted by a judiciary authority verifying approval or rejection of the examination request. In this Study, an interpretation of the differences between FDEAWSP and traditional extradition system was also done to expect the provision of references for the operation of judicial practices in our country. On the aspect of amendments to “Extradition Act (R.O.C.)”, even though it is a base of criminal extradition, it remained unchanged and is not in line with the contemporary international convention and customary international law, which causes failure of some provisions to deploy its full performance on international judicial cooperation; in view of the practice, it also is caused from the absence of legal base for enforcement of extradition measures. Therefore, this Study also refers to the criminal codes of nations across countries, bilateral extradition treaties, international conventions and laws of international organizations, further draft amendment of provisions stipulated in the “Extradition Act” to facilitate progress of extradition proceedings and achieve purposes of criminal prosecution and punishment.
Finally, due to reason of the tiny feasibility of the bilateral extradition treaties entered between Taiwan (R.O.C.), positioned unique around the world, and non-diplomatic states, we shall take other alternative measures as a provisional mode for extradition under a premise of non-violence of international extradition system; besides, we shall start with minor legal assistance in criminal matters and conclude with Mutual legal Assistance Agreement with non-diplomatic states to strengthen level of relationship between Taiwan (R.O.C.) and international community. For the issues raised on surrender of cross-strait criminals, the two sides shall intend to normalize the mutual assistance in criminal justice and negotiate to amend the contents of "Cross-strait Mutual Judicial Assistance Agreement” based on mutual trust and reciprocity, enabling to comply with the relevant legal principles of international extradition systems and facilitate process of surrender of cross-strait criminals, and promote efficiency of cooperation on defeating crimes.

目 次
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究的動機--------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究的方法---------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究的範圍---------------------------------------------------------8
第四節 文獻的探討------------------------------------------------------ 12
第五節 研究的成果-------------------------------------------------------14
第二章 國際刑事司法互助的基礎概論-----------------------------------15
第一節 國際刑事司法互助的概念-------------------------------------15
第一項 巴西奧尼對於刑事司法互助的概念---------------------15
第二項 刑事司法互助的共同概念---------------------------------16
第二節 國際刑事司法互助的基本原則--------------------------------20
第一項 國家主權原則--------------------------------------------------20
第二項 國家平等互惠原則--------------------------------------------29
第三項 法制平等原則--------------------------------------------------32
第四項 特定性原則-----------------------------------------------------35
第五項 人權保障原則-----------------------------------------------37
第三節 國際刑事司法互助的範圍與發展趨勢----------------------46
第一項 傳統國際刑事司法互助的範圍----------------------------46
第二項 對嚴重的國際犯罪發展特殊的司法互助措施-----------53
第三項 國際刑事法庭的強制性合作模式---------------------------61
第四項 國際組織有關司法互助的規範------------------------------64
第五項 司法互助應該與執法合作緊密結合------------------------72
第四節 小結------------------------------------------------------------------76
第三章 引渡的習慣國際法規則--------------------------------------------79
第一節 引渡制度的概論-------------------------------------------------79
第一項 學者對引渡的定義------------------------------------------80
第二項 引渡的要件與目的-------------------------------------------81
第二節 習慣國際法上的引渡原則--------------------------------------86
第一項 條約前置主義與互惠原則-----------------------------------86
第二項 雙重犯罪原則--------------------------------------------------89
第三項 可引渡的犯罪-------------------------------------------------95
第四項 特定性原則-----------------------------------------------------98
第五項 或引渡或起訴(處罰)-------------------------------------103
第三節 引渡請求的否決事項-----------------------------------------106
第一項 本國人民不予引渡-------------------------------------------106
第二項 政治犯罪不予引渡-------------------------------------------112
第三項 軍事犯罪不予引渡-------------------------------------------128
第四項 財稅犯罪不予引渡-------------------------------------------129
第五項 違反禁止雙重危險原則不予引渡-------------------------131
第六項 無重審保證的缺席判決不予引渡-------------------------134
第七項 罹於時效與赦免不予引渡----------------------------------135
第八項 基於人道考量不予引渡-------------------------------------139
第四節 引渡的管轄權障礙:豁免-------------------------------------158
第一項 豁免的涵義與法律依據----------------------------------158
第二項 主權豁免原則------------------------------------------------163
第三項 外交豁免原則------------------------------------------------187
第五節 小結--------------------------------------------------------------225
第四章 引渡的國際公約規範---------------------------------------------231
第一節 區域性的引渡公約規範--------------------------------------231
第一項 美洲國家多邊引渡條約概述-----------------------------233
第二項 歐洲暨歐盟成員國間引渡公約--------------------------239
第二節 全球性的引渡公約規範---------------------------------------253
第一項 1990年《聯合國引渡示範條約》----------------------253
第二項 其他與引渡規範有關的主題公約----------------------259
第三節 《國際刑事法院羅馬規約》---------------------------------293
第一項 國際刑事法院所管轄的國際犯罪-----------------------294
第二項 國際刑事法院的審判對象擴張到個人-------------------301
第三項 羅馬規約有關引渡的相關規定--------------------------302
第四項 羅馬規約有關豁免的相關規定--------------------------309
第五項 《羅馬規約》的實踐現狀----------------------------------312
第四節 小結----------------------------------------------------------------316
第五章 歐洲聯盟現行的逮捕令引渡替代制度------------------------319
第一節 歐盟逮捕令及解送程序架構規定之起源-----------------319
第一項 本架構規定的起源與進程---------------------------------319
第二項 歐洲三個共同體的形成------------------------------------321
第三項 歐洲聯盟條約------------------------------------------------324
第四項 阿姆斯特丹條約---------------------------------------------326
第二節 歐盟逮捕令的傳遞程序--------------------------------------328
第一項 司法機關的直接傳遞---------------------------------------328
第二項 透過「申根資訊系統」發布警示------------------------328
第三項 透過國際刑警組織傳遞------------------------------------330
第三節 本架構規定與傳統引渡制度的比較-----------------------332
第一項 創設了雙重犯罪原則的例外------------------------------332
第二項 廢除了政治犯與國民不引渡原則------------------------334
第三項 適用相互承認原則------------------------------------------337
第四項 獨特的審查機關與程序------------------------------------339
第五項 請求競合的概念---------------------------------------------340
第四節 小結----------------------------------------------------------------344
第六章 從國際法檢視引渡的內國法制與實踐------------------------347
第一節 引渡請求的審前行政程序與臨時措施---------------------347
第一項 引渡請求的聯繫機關---------------------------------------348
第二項 引渡請求的證據要求----------------------------------------352
第三項 引渡請求的前置措施---------------------------------------357
第二節 引渡的審查機關與程序概論--------------------------------364
第一項 引渡的審查機關---------------------------------------------364
第二項 各國對於引渡審查之程序規範---------------------------366
第三節 規避引渡審查的替代措施-----------------------------------384
第一項 遣返與驅逐出境-------------------------------------------385
第二項 綁架與引誘-------------------------------------------------400
第四節 小結----------------------------------------------------------------413
第七章 引渡法制在我國國家立法與執行的實踐---------------------415
第一節 我國引渡條約概述--------------------------------------------415
第一項 我國條約締結之現行法律依據-------------------------416
第二項 我國引渡條約之內容比較-------------------------------419
第二節 海峽兩岸目前之引渡替代實踐-----------------------------434
第一項 1990年金門協議------------------------------------------434
第二項 2009年《兩岸司法互助協議》------------------------437
第三節 《兩岸司法互助協議》之修改方向-------------------------448
第一項 本協議之檢討與思考-------------------------------------448
第二項 有關人員解送之試擬條文-------------------------------462
第四節 小結--------------------------------------------------------------468
第八章 試擬我國引渡法修正草案---------------------------------------471
第一節 引渡法修正草案條文-------------------------------------------471
第二節 引渡法修正草案之條文釋義----------------------------------485
第一項 「總則」之條文釋義--------------------------------------485
第二項 「向中華民國請求引渡」之條文釋義-----------------487
第三項 「向外國請求引渡」之條文釋義-------------------------502
第四項 「附則」之條文釋義----------------------------------------503
第三節 小結---------------------------------------------------------------505
第九章 結論------------------------------------------------------------------509
參考書目 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ⅰ
附錄一 中華民國引渡法----------------------------------- 一
附錄二 日本逃亡犯罪人引渡法----------------------------- 六
附錄三 中華人民共和國引渡法--------------------------- 四三
附錄四 《引渡法修正草案》與現行《引渡法》之比較--------五七
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