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研究生(外文):Hau-Shuian Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Electrode Materials and Electrolyte Formula on the Performance of Lithium Ion Batteries
指導教授(外文):Mu-Der JengShih-Wei Tan
外文關鍵詞:lithium batteriesLiPF6PVDFmaterials
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The thesis is devoted to the study of the materials for lithium ion secondary battery, which focusing on the various characteristics of the lithium batteries influenced by different chemical materials. Analyzing the discharge characteristics of the cell through the discharge curves of the lithium batteries, as well as the equivalent circuit of the battery discharge.
First of all, it is essential to acquire the knowledge of the battery structure and the fundamental chemical reactions of the lithium battery. Secondly, the study states that differences of discharge curves led by different materials. Through various discharge curves of the lithium batteries that to create model of lithium battery. Lastly, we may know charateristics by parameter in lithium battery.
This thesis contains significant contributions to the knowledge of LiPF6 and PVDF with different concentrations. The experiments were designed to LiPF6 and PVDF with different concentrations, and the shapes of discharge curves that to revise the parameters of models,.
Keywords:lithium batteries 、LiPF6、PVDF、 materials

致謝 I
摘要 II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與發展現 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 論文內文結構 2
1.5 本論文之貢獻 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 鋰電池的化學反應式 4
2.2 名詞解釋 4
2.3 鋰電池的種類 6
2.4 鋰電池廠商 8
2.5 內部構造及材料製造 9
2.5.1 正極材料 9
2.5.2 負極材料 10
2.5.3 電解質及電解液 11
2.5.4 隔離膜 11
2.5.5 罐體 12
2.6 充電方式 12
2.7 電量計的構成 16
2.8 相關方法的比較 16
2.8.1 電池等效模型 16
2.8.2 電量估測方法 19
第三章 研究步驟 22
3.1 鋰電池特性 22
3.1.1 電池的化學反應式 22
3.1.2 鋰電池規格 22
3.2 鋰電池充放電研究 22
3.2.1 鋰電池活化 22
3.2.2 鋰電池充放電 23
3.3 模型建立 27
3.4 成分分析 29
3.4.1 SEM+EDS分析 29
3.4.2 XRD分析 31
第四章 實體測試與成果展示 36
4.1 材料研究分析 36
4.2 電池數據分析 41
4.3 模型參數分析 49
4.4 分析結果 50
4.4.1 針對LiPF6 50
4.4.2 針對PVDF(C2H2F2)n 51
4.4.3 模型修正 53
第五章 結論與未來展望 56
5.1 結論 56
5.2 未來展望 56
參考文獻 57

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