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論文名稱(外文):Numerical Analysis for Breakup and Atomization of Annular Liquid Films of Cone Type
指導教授(外文):S. G. Chuech
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首先,採用BFC座標( Body Fitting Coordinate )所推導之環狀液膜動力模式,針對其中旋性方向速度不為零,所形成之旋性環狀液膜的運動流場進行數值分析,並模擬圓錐擴散型之環狀液膜的形狀、張角、以及斷裂長度。
最後利用帶狀破裂模式( Ligament Breakup )為基本假設,進行主要霧化模式的數值分析,此一霧化模式採用環狀液膜運動流場隱埋法,並與液膜表面波不穩定波成長率分析連結,分析液膜斷裂與液帶形成,進而形成霧化液滴,而預測主要霧化液滴的尺寸分布。驗證方面,主要以文獻上的過去實驗研究為基準線,即當角度固定時,藉由空氣與液體流量的改變,來觀察在各種不同流量時之液膜的破裂長度及破裂後之液滴分布情形,將所得之數值資料與實驗結果作比對分析,歸納出正確的霧化模式。

The spray and atomization of annular swirling liquid films is an important technique associated with our daily lives closely. Especially, it plays a key role in the performance of combustion devices that have been widely used for applications of combustion industry. However, the breakup mechanism and droplet formation of liquid films are not still fully understood and have hampered the development of theoretical methods. Therefore, liquid entering into the air atomizing fuel nozzle to form a liquid film, film breakup, the droplet formation and distribution were numerically analyzed in the present study.

First of all, the present study used equations of motion of annular film based on the Body Fitting Coordinate to numerically simulate the film motion in which the speed is not zero in the swirling direction. The numerical analyses included simulation of cone shape, film angle, and breakup length of the annular liquid films.

Then, the research used liquid film surface stability theory as a breakup foundation for liquid films to analyze growth rates of unstable waves on the film surface. Effects of thickness, velocity, viscosity, surface tension, and the combustion chamber pressure on growth rates of unstable waves were also analyzed. The results were discussed and analyzed to provide a liquid film breakup criteria and atomization mechanism.

Finally, the ligament breakup was basically assumed for numerical analysis of primary atomization model. The atomization model used the jet embedding method to couple the annular liquid film motion with unstable wave growth rate analysis along the film surface to analyze liquid film break, the liquid ligament formation, and the formation of atomized droplets. Thus, the predictions of droplet size distribution were obtained for primary atomization. For verification, past experimental studies in the literature were mainly utilized as the baseline to compare the present studies including liquid film breakup and the droplet size for liquid films ejected from a fixed metering-angle nozzle at various flow rates. The comparison results were discussed and summarized for the present atomization mode.

第一章 導論……………………………………………………………………1
第二章 理論模式……………………………………………………………11
2-4 計算條件………………………………………………………24
第三章 結果與討論…………………………………………………………32
3-3 斷裂霧化…………………………………………………55
第四章 結論與建議……………………………………………………63

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