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研究生(外文):Keng-Tsen Chiu
論文名稱:二階與三階耦合邊值問題的李群 SL(n,R) 打靶法之研究
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Two and Three-Order Coupled Boundary Value Problems by the Lie-group SL(n,R) Shooting Methods
外文關鍵詞:Lie-groupLie-algebragroup preserving schemes (GPS)Lie-group shooting method (LGSM)coupled boundary value problemsboundary layer
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In enginerring and mathematics, boundary value problems are common problems. There are many other form problems that are transformed to boundary value problems. How to accurately solve the boundary value problems is a very important subject for engineers. The coupled boundary value problem is one kind of boundary value problems with two or more equations, and there are interactions between equations. Because of the cross dependencies of equatioms, the difficulty of solving boundary value problems increases. In this study, the numerical solution for two-point boundary value problems is the Lie-group shooting method(LGSM). By using the advandtages of Lie-group`s closure property and quick calculation ,…etc, the one-step group preserving schemes has been used to accurately solve many second-order or third-order boundary value problems. In this paper ,the advantages of using the LGSM for solving the prombles will be extended to two and three-order coupled boundary value prombles. Developing a new form of LGSM, and combining different Lie-groups for solving the coupled boundary value problems. We will prove that the new form LGSM for solving coupled boundary value problem is accurate. After deducing the steps of using LGSM with engineering mathematics and Generalized mid-point rule…etc, we will use one of the commonly used commercial programming language MATLAB to implement steps. We expect LGSM to be extended to more complex boundary value problems, such as high-order coupled, multi-coupled boundary value problems…and so on.

口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
1.4 論文架構 4
第 二 章 保群算法 6
2.1 群 6
2.2 李群 9
2.3 李代數與指數映射 11
2.4 增廣動態系統 13
2.5 光錐構造 17
2.6 增廣動態系統 - 凱萊轉換(Cayley Transform) 20
2.7 增廣動態系統 - 指數映射 24
2.8 一步保群算法 28
2.9 數值積分方法 31
2.9.1 尤拉法 32
2.9.2 龍格-庫塔法 32
第 三 章 耦合邊界值問題的李群打靶法 35
3.1 打靶法 35
3.2 耦合邊值問題 36
3.3 李群 打靶法 36
3.3.1 耦合方程組轉換 36
3.3.2 李群 一步保群算法 38
3.3.3 李群打靶法 45
3.4 李群 與李群 打靶法 46
3.4.1 耦合方程中三階方程式換與李群 一步保群算法 46
3.4.2 李群 一步保群算法 - 廣義中值定理 47
3.4.3 李群 一步保群算法 - 光錐上兩點的李群映射 49
3.4.4 李群 打靶法 53
3.4.5 李群打靶法 58
3.5 李群打靶法流程 59
第 四 章 數值算例 62
4.1 方程式平移轉換 62
4.2 一步保群算法的區間長度 62
4.3 數值算例一 63
4.4 數值算例二 65
4.5 數值算例三 67
4.5.1 李群 打靶法 68
4.5.2 李群 與李群 打靶法 69
4.6 圖 71
第 五 章 結論與未來工作 84
參考文獻 87

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