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研究生(外文):Chieh-Hung Su
論文名稱:應用超臨界溶液快速膨脹法進行藥物 Pyrazinamide 與 Metronidazole 之微粒化研究
論文名稱(外文):Study of the RESS Process for Micronization of Pyrazinamide and Metronidazole
指導教授(外文):Yan-Ping Chen
口試委員(外文):Tu LeeChie-Shaan Su
外文關鍵詞:Rapid expansion of supercritical solutionmicronizationdissolution ratePyrazinamideMetronidazole
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核病藥物吡井羧胺 (Pyrazinamide) 與抗生素甲硝唑(Metronidazole) 兩種原料藥
實驗,並且參照2013 年美國藥典 [USP 36th, 2013] 規範的設備條件,觀察經過超
首先在藥物Pyrazinamide 的研究中,原始藥物經過微粒化程序後,藥物粒徑
由80.98 μm 縮小為0.53 μm。在定性分析方面,由FTIR、DSC 與XRD 等儀器觀
之溶離速率差異,發現RESS 處理過後藥物之溶離速率只有略快於原始藥物,代入
Weibull model 進行回歸後,處理後藥物之溶離速率係數kw 為0.2774 min-1,而原始
藥物物之溶離速率係數kw 為0.2406 min-1,溶離速率約略提升1.153 倍,溶離速率
在第二個藥物Metronidazole 的研究中,原始藥物之粒徑為76.81 μm,進行微
粒化處理後最小可降為0.47μm。在藥物定性方面,經由FTIR、DSC 與XRD 分析
Weibull model 回歸後,原始藥物之溶離速率係數kw 為0.5463 min-1,微粒化後藥物
之 kw 為0.4372 min-1,此結果同樣推測可能為壓錠過程所導致,因為相同重量下,

Microniztion of pharmaceutical substances plays a role in the pharmaceutical
industry for enhancing the dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredients
(APIs) since near 40% of APIs are almost insoluble or slightly soluble in water or
aqueous solution. As a result, the efficiency of oral or injectable drug is limited due to
the low bioavailability. In this study, the rapid expansion of supercritical solution
(RESS) process is applied to improve the dissolution rate of pharmaceutical agents so as
to increase the bioavailability in human body.
In the RESS process, the solid solute was extracted by CO2 which was the
supercritical solvent, and submicron particles were precipitated in the expansion
chamber. The effects of operation parameters, inclusive of extraction temperature (Text),
extraction pressure (Pext), post temperature (Tpost) and the nozzle diameter (DN) were
investigated by the analysis results. The dissolution profile of RESS-processed drugs
will be compared to the originals.
Pyrazinamide particles were formed with a mean particle size of 0.53 μm which
was much smaller than the originals, 80.98 μm. Through RESS process, the polymorph
transformation was found from the FTIR, DSC and XRD results. Also, the crystallinity
of micronized particles decreased. The dissolution rate constants (kw) of original and
RESS-processed drug are 0.2406 and 0.2774, respectively. It was shown that the
RESS-processed pyrazinamide showed a better dissolution behavior than the originals,
but not significant.
The metronidazole particles were micronized from the original mean size of 76.81
μm to a much smaller average size of 0.47μm after the RESS process. Although no
polymorph transformation was found, the crystallinity of RESS-processed
metronidazole diminished. But, the dissolution rate of micronized metronidazole
decreased compared to the original agent. This can be explained that the drug before
conducting dissolution rate experiments will be compressed into a tablet, and the
smaller particles formed the dense tablet whose surface area was smaller than the
original drug. Therefore, the micronized metronidazole had a lower dissolution rate
compared to the unprocessed.

摘要 ................................................................................................................... II
Abstract ................................................................................................................ IIV
表目錄 ............................................................................................................... VIII
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................. IX
第一章緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 超臨界流體簡介 ........................................................................................... 1
1-2 超臨界流體技術與應用 ............................................................................... 2
1-3 藥物微粒化之目的 ....................................................................................... 4
1-4 超臨界流體微粒化技術 ............................................................................... 5
1-4-1 超臨界溶液快速膨脹法 ........................................................................ 6
1-4-2 氣體飽和溶液沉積法 ............................................................................ 7
1-4-3 超臨界反溶劑法 .................................................................................... 7
1-4-4 超臨界流體輔助霧化法 ........................................................................ 8
1-5 研究動機 ..................................................................................................... 10
第二章實驗方法 .......................................................................................................... 15
2-1 實驗藥品 ..................................................................................................... 15
2-1-1 目標藥品 .............................................................................................. 15
2-1-2 其他藥品 .............................................................................................. 15
2-2 實驗裝置 ..................................................................................................... 16
2-3 實驗步驟 ..................................................................................................... 17
2-4 實驗分析方法 ............................................................................................. 18
第三章結果與討論 ...................................................................................................... 32
3-1 Pyrazinamide ............................................................................................... 32
3-1-1 萃取溫度效應 ....................................................................................... 32
3-1-2 萃取壓力效應 ....................................................................................... 32
3-1-3 收集瓶溫度效應 ................................................................................... 34
3-1-4 噴嘴內徑效應 ....................................................................................... 34
3-1-5 定性分析 .............................................................................................. 35
3-1-6 溶離速率測試 ...................................................................................... 38
3-2 Metronidazole .............................................................................................. 39
3-2-1 萃取溫度效應 ...................................................................................... 39
3-2-2 萃取壓力效應 ...................................................................................... 39
3-2-3 收集瓶溫度效應 .................................................................................. 40
3-2-4 噴嘴內徑效應 ...................................................................................... 41
3-2-5 定性分析 .............................................................................................. 41
3-2-6 溶離速率測試 ...................................................................................... 43
第四章結論 .................................................................................................................. 94
第五章參考文獻 .......................................................................................................... 95

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