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研究生(外文):Chung-Kai Yao
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and Analyses of the Effects of Hypolimnetic Aeration and Inflow Water Temperature on the Eutrophic Condition of Shin-Shan Reservoir by Using CE-QUAL-W2 Water Quality Model
外文關鍵詞:CE-QUAL-W2hypolimnetic aerationinflow temperatureeutrophication
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During the past few years, Shin-Shan Reservoir, an off-channel reservoir and major water source for Keelung city and a part of Taipei metropolitan area, became seriously eutrophic due to elevated pollutant loading and possibly more frequent extreme-climate events. In this study, CE-QUAL-W2 water quality model was used to evaluate the effects of hypolimnetic aeration on water quality of Shin-Shan reservoir and to investigate the impacts of the higher temperature of inflow water than in reservoir during unusual climate events on the water quality.
The model was calibrated and verified with the measured data in 2010 and 2011, respectively. The results of simulation show good fit to the hydrodynamic phenomena such as water levels and temperatures. However, the simulated results underestimate the total phosphorus concentration and concentration of chlorophyll a during the summer in 2011. Overall, the calibrated model provides a satisfactory fit of simulated results to the actual data in this reservoir.
Simulations indicated a significant lower phosphorus concentration under the scenario of hypolimnetic aeration. The concentration of nitrate in the water body would increase slightly after a short period of hypolimnetic aeration due to the oxidation of ammonia to become nitrate, but would reach a steady state once most of ammonia had been transformed. The concentration of chlorophyll a would not change significantly with the hypolimnetic aeration in the current year, presumably due to less direct impact of hypolimnetic aeration on the surface water quality. Nevertheless, the concentration of chlorophyll a had an obvious decrease in the next year, due to the lower phosphorus flux released from sediments after hypolimnetic aeration in the previous year.
In conclusion, the simulation analyses show that for a higher temperature of inflowing water than the temperature of epilimnion, the concentration of chlorophyll a would be increased in Shin-Shan Reservoir, which would have great impacts on the eutrophic state of Shin-Shan Reservoir.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 研究緣起 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1. 水庫溫度分層現象(thermal stratification) 3
2.1.1. 水庫分層現象對水質的影響 4
2.2. 優養化現象(Eutrophication) 5
2.2.1. 優養化對水質的影響 5
2.2.2. 優養化判定指標 6
2.3. 底層曝氣 7
2.3.1. 底層曝氣相關研究 8
2.4. 氣候變遷 9
2.4.1. 氣候變遷定義 9
2.4.2. 台灣氣候變遷現象 9
2.4.3. 台灣氣溫變化趨勢 10
2.4.4. 氣溫升高對水質的影響 12
2.5. 模式模擬相關研究 13
第三章 研究與方法 15
3.1. 新山水庫背景介紹 15
3.1.1. 歷年水質監測 16
3.1.2. 歷年水質概況 18
3.2. CE-QUAL-W2模式介紹 21
3.2.1. 模式簡介 21
3.2.2. 模式基本控制方程式 22
3.2.3. 物質傳輸方程式 24
3.2.4. 熱交換方程式 25
3.2.5. 水力擴散方程式 27
3.2.6. 藻類濃度方程式 28
3.2.7. 磷酸鹽濃度方程式 30
3.2.8. 氨氮濃度方程式 34
3.2.9. 硝酸鹽-亞硝酸鹽氮濃度方程式 37
3.2.10. 溶氧濃度方程式 39
3.3. 模式模擬所需資料 43
3.3.1. 模式各輸入檔介紹 44
3.3.2. 水庫網格劃分 45
3.3.3. 模式各參數設定 47
第四章 結果與討論 50
4.1. 水理模擬結果 50
4.1.1. 水位模擬結果 50
4.1.2. 水溫模擬結果 52
4.2. 水質模擬結果 61
4.2.1. 總磷模擬結果 61
4.2.2. 硝酸鹽氮模擬結果 68
4.2.3. 葉綠素a模擬結果 70
4.3. 底層曝氣後之影響 72
4.3.1. 2010年有無曝氣對2010年水質之影響 73
4.3.2. 2011年有無曝氣對2011年水質之影響 86
4.3.3. 底層曝氣對水質影響之討論 100
4.4. 入流溫度提升之影響 101
4.4.1. 2010年入流溫度提升之結果 102
4.4.2. 2011年入流溫度提升之結果 107
4.4.3. 入流水溫對水庫水質影響之討論 112
第五章 結論與建議 113
5.1. 結論 113
5.2. 建議 114
參考文獻 115
附錄 118
附錄二 159
附錄三 171

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