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研究生(外文):Tsai-hwa Su
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Practical Application of Cluster Analysis to a Car Leasing Firm
指導教授(外文):Shih-chen Huang
口試委員(外文):Shih-chen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Car leasingCustomer Relationship MagementDatabase MarketingData MiningCluster Analysis
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第一步驟為依據RFM理論,對每一顧客進行評分,並計算每位顧客的MLE(Maximum Likelihood Estimation)、WMLE(Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation)等資料,藉此可瞭解每位顧客的活躍趨勢。第二步驟為將RFM、MLE及WMLE等資料,利用資料探勘的群集技術產生四組不同價值的顧客群。第三步驟則是利用分群的結果,依顧客屬性調整為為重量級、中量級、潛等級及被動級顧客,再針對各群顧客的特性探討,擬訂不同顧客群的行銷策略。
In the development of long-term car leasing marketing, the industry focuses on contents of services by providing financial services through automobile products. To develop corporation, customers are conducted mostly through the salesman of car dealers or car leasing companies. For the entire marketing process, the issue that how to satisfy the customer needs and thus create value added products and services is the successful key of both sustainability and profitability of the car leasing industry. The allocation of resources is a big problem for enterprises in the marketing process of car leasing industry. Allocating the resources effectively and making customer satisfied and loyal is a goal pursued by all enterprises.
From the process of leasing vehicles, a long-term car leasing company can access customer information and transaction records synchronously. By properly handling and analysing the data, a leasing company can understand different customers’ different characteristics and can provide appropriate marketing resources in the competitive car leasing industry. In order to investigate the customers and the value of clustering, this study is divided into three steps by using the cluster analysis of data mining.
The first step is based on RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary) theory by rating and calculating each customer's MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) and WMLE (Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation) information to understand each customer's active trend. The second step is to use clustering technology of data mining to differentiate customers into four value groups by using their RFM, MLE and WMLE data. The third step is using the results of clustering, in accordance with customers’ attribute and adjusting them into the heavyweight-class, midweight-class, latent level and passive-class. Using each group of customer characteristics can help develop a specific marketing strategy.
Through this study, not only do we understand the customer's property, but also expect the long-term car leasing industry can distinguish the different value of different customer groups and to retain customers and to build established long-term adverse good relationships with the customers with customized marketing. At the same time, the case company can focus on target customers accurately with limited manpower, cost, time and other resources to develop and implement marketing strategies and to reduce costs and improve operating profit accordingly.
摘要 II
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
目錄 5
表目錄 7
圖目錄 8
第一章、緒論 9
1.1. 研究背景與動機 9
1.2. 研究目的 9
1.3. 研究範圍與流程 10
第二章、文獻探討 12
2.1. 顧客關係管理 12
2.1.1顧客關係管理與行銷概念 12
2.1.2顧客關係管理定義 13
2.1.3顧客關係管理基本架構 15
2.1.4顧客關係管理指標 17
2.2. 資料庫行銷 19
2.2.1資料庫行銷的定義 19
2.2.2完整的資料庫行銷 20
2.2.3資料庫行銷相關研究 21
2.3. 資料庫分析 23
2.3.1 RFM分析模型 23
2.3.2 顧客價值趨勢分析 24
2.4. 資料探勘 25
2.4.1 資料探勘的定義 25
2.4.2 資料探勘的功能 26
2.4.3 資料探勘的流程 28
2.4.4 資料探勘的技術 28
第三章、研究方法 31
3.1.研究方法 31
3.2.研究架構 31
第四章、個案公司資料蒐集與分析 34
4.1.汽車租賃業及市場簡介 34
4.2.個案公司介紹 39
4.3.資料蒐集處理 41
4.3.1 資料蒐集 41
4.3.2 資料處理轉換 42
4.4.資料分析 43
4.4.1 資料庫建立與分析 43
4.4.2 集群資料分析 46
4.4.3 顧客分級 47
4.4.4 顧客分級特性 49
第五章、研究發現與策略討論 56
5.1. 研究發現 56
5.2. 行銷策略 58
第六章、研究結論 63
6.1. 結論與研究貢獻 63
6.2. 研究限制與未來研究方向 63
參考文獻 65
中文部分 65
英文部分 66

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