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研究生(外文):De-Jhen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Low-Complexity Concatenated Soft-in Soft-out Detector for Spreading OFDM System
指導教授(外文):Huan-Chun Wang
口試委員(外文):Huan-Chun Wang
外文關鍵詞:turbo principleextrinsic informationspreading OFDMMaximum a priori probability SISO detectorconcatenated sparse matricesconcatenated SISO detectors.
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This thesis proposes a low-complexity concatenated (LCC) soft-in soft-out (SISO) detector for spreading OFDM systems. The LCC SISO detector uses the turbo principle to compute the extrinsic information of the optimal maximum a priori probability (MAP) SISO detector with extremely low complexity. To develop the LCC SISO detector, we first partition the spreading matrix into some concatenated sparse matrices separated by interleavers. Then, we use the turbo principle to concatenate some SISO detectors, which are separated by de-interleavers or interleavers. Each SISO detector computes the soft information for each sparse matrix. By exchanging the soft information between the SISO detectors, we find the extrinsic information of the MAP SISO detector with extremely low complexity. Simulation results show that using the LCC SISO detector produces a near-optimal performance for both uncoded and coded spreading OFDM systems. In addition, by using the LCC SISO detector, the spreading OFDM system significantly improves the BER of the conventional OFDM system.
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problems
1.3 Solutions
1.4 Organization of Thesis
Chapter 2 System Description
2.1 Transmitter
2.2 IDD receiver
2.3 The Optimal SISO Detector
Chapter 3 LCC SISO Detector
3.1 Partitioning
3.2 Computing {p(y(q)|a(1))} with turbo principle 24
3.2.1 computing {p(b(m))}recursively from to 26
3.2.2 computing {p(y(q)|a(m))} recursively form m=M to m=1
3.3 Computing (3.7) and (3.10) by Gaussian approximation
3.3.1 Computing (3.7)
3.3.2 Computing (3.10)
Chapter 4 LCC SISO detector for Hadamard spreading OFDM systems
4.1 LCC SISO detector for Hadamard spreading OFDM systems
4.2 Complexity Comparison
Chapter 5 Simulation Results
5.1 Simulation Parameters
5.2 Uncoded Systems
5.3 Coded Systems
Chapter 6 Conclusions
6.1 Summary of Thesis
6.2 Ongoing Research and Future Work
6.2.1 Extinct information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis for the LCC SISO detector
6.2.2 Design Criteria for Spreading Matrix based on iterative detection
Appendix A
Appendix B
Brief Biography
Publications List
A. Publications
B. Submissions
C. In Preparation
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