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研究生(外文):Huei-jing Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Novel Frequency Estimation and Phase Error Compensation
指導教授(外文):Chia-Yu Yao
口試委員(外文):Chia-Yu Yao
外文關鍵詞:all-digital phase-locked loopfrequency estimationphase error compensationdigitally controlled oscillator
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本論文的晶片是採用TSMC 0.18 um 1P6M CMOS製程來實現,除了高解析度的數位控制振盪器需要採用Full-custom設計流程完成外,其餘電路完全可由Cell-Based設計流程來完成。系統操作頻段為598 MHz至1.4 GHz,數位控制振盪器的解析度可達0.34 ps ,操作在1.02 GHz下最大功率消耗為28 mW 、晶片面積大約為1.23 mm2 。
This thesis presents a frequency estimation method and a phase-frequency compensation mechanism for an all digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL). First, a novel digital-controlled oscillator (DCO) was designed. This DCO possesses good linear relation between control codes and oscillating period. The frequency estimation method generates the predicted control code by calculating the cycle time difference between the reference clock and the derived feedback signal from the DCO. After that, the phase error compensation mechanism is activated to resolve the problem of phase error accumulation. Next, the phased-frequency compensation mechanism is used in the tracking mode of the ADPLL. On the other hand, after the system is locked, the control code is extended to enhance the frequency stability.
The proposed ADPLL chip was fabricated in TSMC 0.18um 1P6M CMOS process. The DCO is implemented by the full-custom design flow. The other part of the ADPLL is realized by the cell-based design flow. The output frequency range is from 598 MHz to 1.4 GHz with 1-MHz tuning step. The resolution of the DCO is 0.34 ps. The maximum power consumption is 28 mW, and the chip size is 1.23 mm2.
中文摘要 I
Abstract IV
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 論文規劃 3
第二章 鎖相迴路介紹與系統應用 4
2-1 類比式鎖相迴路 4
2-2 數位式鎖相迴路 5
2-3 全數位式鎖相迴路 6
2-4 以頻率偵測演算法達2個週期鎖定之全數位式鎖相迴路 8
2-5 系統應用 10
第三章 具頻率預測及相位補償之數位式鎖相迴路系統架構介紹與模擬 12
3-1 數位控制振盪器 12
3-1.1 數位控制振盪器電路架構 12
3-1.2 後模擬結果 14
3-2 系統架構 17
3.3 頻率預測器 19
3-3.1 頻率預測機制 19
3-3.2 頻率預測器電路架構 21
3-4 除頻器 22
3-4.1 除頻器架構 22
3-4.2 雙模數Prescaler 24
3-4.3 前模擬結果 26
3-4.4 後模擬結果 27
3-5 相位頻率偵測器 29
3-5.1 電路架構與原理 29
3-5.2 前模擬結果 31
3-5.3 後模擬結果 31
3-6 相位補償器 32
3-6.1 相位誤差累積問題 33
3-6.2 相位誤差補償機制 34
3-6.3 藉由相位誤差補償機制調整數位控制碼 35
3-6.4 相位誤差補償器電路架構 36
3-7 控制碼控制器 38
3-7.1 工作原理 38
3-7.2 後模擬結果 41
第四章 晶片佈局與量測 42
4-1 設計流程 42
4-2 晶片佈局規劃 44
4-3 量測考量 45
4-4 量測結果 47
4-4.1 Clock period jitter之量測結果 47
4-4.2 鎖定過程控制碼之量測結果 51
4-4.3 頻譜與相位雜訊之量測結果 53
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
5-1 結論 57
5-2 未來展望 60
參考文獻 61
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