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研究生(外文):Hsin-Jung Li
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Factors of Successful Financial Institutions and Marketing Strategies
指導教授(外文):Tai-Ning Yang
口試委員(外文):Yuan-Ho LeeYi-Hsien Wang
外文關鍵詞:Financial CorporationsMarketing StrategiesAnalytic Network Process
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台灣金融業在2007年至2012年間,歷經金融海嘯後產生的希臘債信危機與歐元區的結構性問題,使得國際金融情勢疲軟,造成股權、證券化相關的資本市場(Capital Market)急凍萎縮,使得金融機構在企業金融(Corporate Finance)及消費金融(Consumer Finance)的行銷獲利能力大幅下滑,進而影響到金融營運管理的整體運作。金融專家對於未來經濟前景普遍信心不足,在面臨金融國際化與自由化的挑戰,金融業者必需重新審思金融營運管理與行銷決策以因應國際潮流改變。本研究對於金融行銷相關文獻評析,運用網路層級分析法進行專家問卷調查,並分析影響金融機構關鍵成功要素與行銷決策的權重值,目的在探討商業銀行建立金融機構關鍵成功要素與行銷決策,有助於瞭解金融產業對於金融機構的建立及行銷決策的運用,以作為金融營運管理者行銷決策時的參考依據。 

Taiwan's financial industry in 2007-2012, after the financial tsunami resulting from the Greece debt crisis and structural problems in the euro zone, has been area given a weak financial situation, resulting in equity, related to the securitization of capital markets frozen atrophy, making financial institutions in corporate finance and consumer marketing of sharp drop in profitability, Thus affect the overall operation of financial management. Financial experts, concerning the widespread lack of confidence in the Economic Outlook of the future, in the face of financial challenges of internationaliza-tion and liberalization, financiers must re-thoughts about financial business manage-ment and marketing decisions in the light of international trends change. This study re-views the literature on financial industries, makes use of analytic network process for expert questionnaires, and analyzes key factors for the successful financial institutions as weight values. A reference to financial institutions, it aims at exploring key factors of successful commercial banks to establish financial corporations and marketing decisions, hopefully contributive to the understanding of the financial industry in marketing deci-sions and strategies.
Research results show that impact financial institutions is the key to the success or failure of "corporate governance" structure, because of the higher order decision makers with high level management positions, key success factors for financial institutions as-sess the importance of factors will have a significant difference. This study indicated that the top management of greater importance to financial institutions "Finance struc-ture", and are more inclined to "performance" evaluations, while high level decision makers attach greater importance to financial institutions "shareholder structure", and are more inclined to "Board". In addition, for financial marketing decisions for further analysis, this study impacts are considered "corporate finance" critical elements for "Board of Directors", and influence "consumer finance" to "customer loyalty" as the main consideration.

中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... vi
內容目錄 ..................... viii
表目錄  ..................... x
圖目錄  ..................... xi
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1
  第二節  研究問題與目的............ 3
第三節  研究步驟與流程............ 5
  第四節  研究限制............... 6
第二章  文獻探討................. 7
  第一節  探討金融機構關鍵成功要素........ 7
  第二節  金融行銷決策.............. 22
第三章  研究方法.................. 26
第一節  資料分析與研究樣本.......... 26
第二節  半結構式訪談分析............ 31
第三節  研究架構............... 33
第四節  變數操作型定義............ 34
第五節 網路層級分析法(ANP).......... 35
第四章  研究結果與分析............... 40
第一節  金融機構關鍵成功要素評估指標相依性問卷
調查................. 40
第二節 金融機構關鍵成功要素評估因子之權重與層
次分析調查.............. 44
第三節 金融機構關鍵成功要素與行銷決策權重值分
析.................. 49
第四節 高階決策者與中高階主管者對於金融機構關
鍵成功要素評估比較.......... 52
第五章  結論與建議................. 54
第一節 結論................. 54
第二節 管理意涵............... 58
第三節 研究建議............... 59
參考文獻 ..................... 61
附錄  研究問卷.................. 70
附件1 半結構式訪談之專家調查彙總表(前測問卷).... 70
附件2 半結構式訪談之專家調查彙總表(重要性評估)... 71
附件3 金融機構關鍵成功要素與行銷決策之ANP調查問卷 72


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