21th century is an era of knowledge explosion . Countries around the world are facing issues such as globalization, aging population and low birth rate. With the progress of information technology and knowledge economy, national competitiveness definitely will decrease if governments do not get with the trends. Overview of the progress of education in all countries, they all focused on the strengthening of education support system to improve the quality of teachers and comprehensive instructions, as well as the mechanism of guidance and assistance in order to respond to the needs come from different students. Besides, they dedicated to ensure the enhancement of learning performance and abilities to handle with challenges in the future (Ministry of education, 2000). This study reviewed literatures that aimed at primary school teachers who had participated in on-the-job training. The literature agreed with on-the –job training is useful for primary school teachers; moreover, previous studies put emphasis on the importance of on-the –job training to improve specialty of teachers. From those literatures revealed that it is necessary to carry on on-the –job training continually. They also suggested that the relationship among teacher’s background, on-the –job training activities, and principal’s leading style did exist This study explored the attitude of primary school teachers towards short term study of on-the –job training activities. Organization climate of school, leading style of the principal, and the background of teacher are explanatory factors in the model. Conclusion of the study suggested that primary school teachers of Banqiao district prefer to take advanced study during summer and winter vacations, and the organization climate of school had significant influence on the attitude toward on-the –job training among all variables, then the age, seniority, marriage. And the influence of leading style of the principal decreased due to input of other variable.