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研究生(外文):Chih-ming Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Inertial Sensor Applied to Analysis on Futsal Kick with Inside of Foot
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目的:以慣性感測器取得各肢段加速度、角速度與球速的相關數據探討優秀組與次優秀組的差異。方法: 以10位全國體委盃五人制室內足球冠軍,右腳踢球之的國中男子選手為測試對象(年齡15.4±0.7歲,身高170.9±5.2公分,體重61.0±10.5公斤,球齡7.6±1.2年)。在選手左踝、右踝、左膝、右膝、右腰及球分別配戴無線慣性感測器(內含三軸加速規和陀螺儀,取樣速度為620 Hz),並搭配高速攝影機拍攝及測速槍,取得踢球時的數據並作動作分析。結果:一、對同一選手在有無配戴感測器球速均無顯著差異。二、在球速上,優秀組大於次優秀組且達顯著差異。三、在穩定性分析上,右踝x軸、右踝z軸、右腰x軸加速度,右踝x軸和右踝z軸角速度優秀組比較穩定;左踝x軸加速度、左踝z軸角速度次優秀組比較穩定。四、在時間分析上,球之三軸最大值加速度合成向量大小距零點(踢到球的時間)之時間、球離右踝時距零點之時間、右膝三軸最大值加速度合成向量大小距零點之時間、左踝踏地至球離右踝之時間,優秀組低於次優秀組。五、在加速度和角速度的比較分析上,球之加速度和角速度、右踝z軸角速度最小值、右膝x軸加速度最大值、右膝三軸最大值加速度合成向量大小、右膝z軸角速度最大值、左踝x軸角速度最大值、左膝x軸加速度最大值、左膝y軸加速度最大值、左膝三軸最大值加速度合成向量大小、左膝z軸角速度最大值、右腰x軸加速度最大值、右腰x軸加速度最小值、右腰三軸最大值加速度合成向量大小、右腰z軸角速度最小值,以上優秀組大於次優秀組。右膝x軸加速度最小值、右膝y軸加速度最小值、右膝z軸加速度最小值、右膝x軸角速度最大值、右膝三軸最大值角速度合成向量大小、左踝x軸加速度最大值、左踝x軸加速度最小值、左踝y軸加速度最大值、左踝y軸加速度最小值、左踝z軸加速度最小值、左踝y軸角速度最大值、左踝z軸角速度最大值、左膝x軸加速度最小值、左膝y軸加速度最小值、左膝z軸加速度及角速度最小值、右腰x軸角速度最大值、右腰三軸最大值角速度合成向量大小,以上優秀組小於次優秀組。六、加速度、角速度與平均球速之相關分析: 計有a、b、c、d、e、f、g、h、i、j選手各有3、6、11、9、16、9、4、17、1、7個呈現顯著相關。七、右膝與右踝之相關分析:計有a、b、c、d、e、f、h、i選手各有1、2、1、2、1、3、2、1個呈現顯著相關。結論:一、慣性感測器的使用不太會影響選手踢球的表現。二、慣性感測器可作兩組選手球速的比較分析。三、慣性感測器可作兩組選手動作的穩定性分析。四、慣性感測器可以作兩組選手踢球動作的時間分析。五、慣性感測器可作兩組選手在踢球時球及各肢段的加速度的比較分析、角速度的比較分析。六、慣性感測器可作選手加速度與平均球速之相關分析、角速度與平均球速之相關分析。七、慣性感測器可作選手肢段間之相關分析。建議:教練可從顯著差異處著手,並以優秀選手作楷模,來訓練次優秀組選手。如此一來在透過慣性感測器的幫助下,加上教練專業知識與經驗判斷,找出選手各肢段的缺點,針對缺點設計適合不同位置球員各肢段的加強輔助訓練,加強下肢段肌力、肌耐力訓練,以增強瞬間踢擊力和球速,不僅次優秀選手連優秀選手也可以把球速、轉速再度增強,可以以最少之訓練時間達到最大訓練效果,增加比賽得分機率。

Purpose: This study is to get the relevant data among the acceleration of body’s limbs, rotating speed, and soccer speed by using Inertial Sensors and to discuss the differences between the elites and the sub-elites. Methods: Ten athletes of junior high school were chosen to kick the soccer with right foot. They once won the championship of Futsal held by National Physical Committee (Their average age is 15.4±0.7 years old, average height is 170.9±5.2 centimeters, average weight is 61.0±10.5 kilograms, average playing age is 7.6±1.2 years old). Put Inertial Sensors, which consist of Accelerometer and Gyroscope with sampling speed 620 Hz, on their right and left ankles, right and left knees, right waist, and the soccer itself, with the help of high-speed digital cameras and a speed gun. Then analyze the collected data. Results: 1. There is no significant difference on soccer speed whether the athletes wear the sensors or not. 2. On soccer speed , the elites are faster than the sub-elites, and their difference is significant. 3. Stability analysis. The elites are more stable on the following aspects: acceleration of right ankle x-axis, right ankle z-axis, and right waist x-axis; rotating speed of right ankle x-axis and right ankle z-axis. On the other hand, the sub-elites are more stable on the following aspects: acceleration of left ankle x-axis; rotating speed of left ankle z-axis. 4. Time analysis. The elites’ used time as follows is shorter than the sub-elites’: the time for the soccer from zero time to the maximum three-axis acceleration, the time from zero time to soccer leaving right ankle, the time from zero time to the maximum three-axis acceleration for right knee, and the time from left ankle touching ground to soccer leaving right ankle. 5. Concerning the analysis on acceleration and rotating speed, the elites are bigger than the sub-elites for the following aspects: the soccer speed and the soccer rotating speed, the minimum of right ankle z-axis rotating speed, the maximum of right knee x-axis acceleration, the maximum of right knee three-axis acceleration, the maximum of right knee z-axis rotating speed, the maximum of left ankle x-axis rotating speed, the maximum of left knee x-axis acceleration, the maximum of left knee y-axis acceleration, the maximum of left knee three-axis acceleration, the maximum of left knee z-axis rotating speed, the maximum of right waist x-axis acceleration, the minimum of right waist x-axis acceleration, the maximum of right waist three-axis acceleration, and the minimum of right waist z-axis rotating speed. On the other hand, for the following aspects, the elites are smaller than the sub-elites: the minimum of right knee x-axis acceleration, the minimum of right knee y-axis acceleration, the minimum of right knee z-axis acceleration, the maximum of right knee x-axis rotating speed, the maximum of right knee three-axis rotating speed, the maximum of left ankle x-axis acceleration, the minimum of left ankle x-axis acceleration, the maximum of left ankle y-axis acceleration, the minimum of left ankle y-axis acceleration, the minimum of left ankle z-axis acceleration, the maximum of left ankle y-axis rotating speed, the maximum of left ankle z-axis rotating speed, the minimum of left knee x-axis acceleration, the minimum of left knee y-axis acceleration, the minimum of left knee z-axis acceleration, the minimum of left knee z-axis rotating speed, the maximum of right waist x-axis rotating speed, and the maximum of right waist three-axis rotating speed. 6. Correlativity analysis on acceleration, rotating speed and average soccer speed. Athletes marked a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j have significant correlativity on 3, 6, 11, 9, 16, 9, 4, 17, 1, and 7 items respectively. 7. Correlativity analysis on right knee and right ankle. Athletes marked a, b, c, d, e, f, h, and i have significant correlativity on, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 items respectively. Conclusions 1.Whether the athletes wear the sensors or not may not influence their performance. 2. Inertial Sensors can make the analysis and comparison on soccer speed of both groups. 3.Inertial Sensors can make the analysis on limb’s stability of both groups. 4.Inertial Sensors can make the analysis on the kicking time of both groups. 5. Inertial Sensors can make the analysis on acceleration and rotating speed of soccer and limbs. 6. Inertial Sensors can make the analysis on correlativity among acceleration and average soccer speed, and among rotating speed and average soccer speed. 7. Inertial Sensor can make the analysis on correlativity among the limbs. Suggestions: To undertake the training programs for the sub-elites, coaches may get started from their differences, and make the elites as the standards. With the help of Inertial Sensors and by the professional experiences and judgments, coaches can find out the weakness of limbs for the athletes, design the training programs for different limbs to improve the weakness, and reinforce training on muscular strength and endurance of lower limbs, in order to increases instantaneous force and soccer speed as well. By this, not only the sub-elites but also the elites can improve soccer speed and its rotating speed. That is to get the most effect of training with the least time and to increase the possibility of scoring accordingly.

摘 要(i)
第一章 緒論(1)
1.1 研究背景(1)
1.2 研究目的(2)
1.3 研究假設(3)
1.4 研究範圍與限制(3)
1.5 研究的重要性(4)
1.6 名詞操作性定義(5)
第二章 文獻探討(8)
2.1 相關文獻介紹(8)
2.1.1 有關力學分析(8)
2.1.2 有關踢球法分析(10)
2.1.3 踢球方法(10)
2.1.4 踢球時機(11)
2.1.5 足球腳內側定位踢球動作(12)
2.2 國內足球研究的方向及未來訓練探討(14)
第三章 研究方法與步驟(16)
3.1 研究對象(16)
3.2 實驗儀器與工具(16)
3.3 系統架構說明(17)
3.4 實驗場地配置圖(20)
3.5 實驗步驟(22)
第四章 結果(24)
第五章 討論(29)
5.1 探討同一位選手配戴與未配戴感測器表現是否有差異?(29)
5.2 探討次優秀組與優秀組球速是否有差異?(29)
5.3 探討次優秀組與優秀組肢段穩定度是否有差異?(32)
5.4 探討次優秀組與優秀組三軸加速度合成向量大小達最大值之時間是否有差異?(37)
5.5 探討次優秀組與優秀組加速度是否有差異?次優秀組與優秀組角速度是否有差異?(43)
5.5.1 探討次優秀組與優秀組加速度是否有差異?(43)
5.5.2 探討次優秀組與優秀組角速度是否有差異?(59)
5.6 探討感測器之加速度與平均球速是否有相關性?感測器之角速度與平均球速是否有相關性?(74)
5.6.1 球感測器之加速度與平均球速之相關性分析(74)
5.6.2 右踝感測器之加速度與平均球速之相關性分析(80)
5.7 探討選手右膝與右踝之加速度是否有相關性?右膝與右踝之角速度是否有相關性?(103)
第六章 結論與建議(109)
6.1 結論(109)
6.2 建議(109)

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