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研究生(外文):Chen, Yi-Tso
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Grocery Retail Store Loyalty in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Ya-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Customer loyaltyStore loyaltyGrocery retailing
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There are more and more grocery retail stores rise up and they are all competitive to each other. Customer's purchasing decisions also become sensitive, people compare the diversifications of products and prices and sometimes the environment of the store. It is important for a grocery retail store to master the store loyalty.
The study intents on investigate the relationship between grocery retail stores perceived customer's loyal behaviors and customers perceived such behaviors in grocery retailing area in Taiwan and mainly in southern area. Begin with literature reviews that contain customer relationship management, customer and store loyalty, this
study conclude the following research objectives: on the condition that all grocery retail stores are very much alike in pricing, variety of goods, display, service, and efficiency of operation, will the customer loyalty and customer relationship management influence
the store loyalty?
From the research analysis result, it appears that customer loyalty and customer relationship management both have the effect on gaining store loyalty. In order to develop a long-term relationship with customers, to reinforce the feeling that customers feel about the store can determine whether they will come back or not.
There are more and more grocery retail stores rise up and they are all competitive to each other. Customer's purchasing decisions also become sensitive, people compare the diversifications of products and prices and sometimes the environment of the store. It is important for a grocery retail store to master the store loyalty.
The study intents on investigate the relationship between grocery retail stores perceived customer's loyal behaviors and customers perceived such behaviors in grocery retailing area in Taiwan and mainly in southern area. Begin with literature reviews that contain customer relationship management, customer and store loyalty, this
study conclude the following research objectives: on the condition that all grocery retail stores are very much alike in pricing, variety of goods, display, service, and efficiency of operation, will the customer loyalty and customer relationship management influence
the store loyalty?
From the research analysis result, it appears that customer loyalty and customer relationship management both have the effect on gaining store loyalty. In order to develop a long-term relationship with customers, to reinforce the feeling that customers feel about the store can determine whether they will come back or not.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...................................................ii
List of Tables..................................................... iv
List of Figures.....................................................vi
Chapter 1 Introduction...............................................1
1.1 Research Motivation and Background...............................1
1.2 Research Objectives..............................................1
1.3 Thesis Structure and Research Process............................2
Chapter 2 Literature Review..........................................6
2.1 Definition of Customer Relationship Management...................6
2.2 Definition of Customer Loyalty...................................8
2.3 Definition of Store loyalty..................................... 9
2.4 Definition of Retailing........................................ 11
2.5 Chapter Summary................................................ 14
Chapter 3 Research Methodology..................................... 15
3.1 Research Model................................................. 15
3.2 Research Hypothesis.............................................16
3.3 Research Sample.................................................17
3.4 Questionnaire Design............................................17
3.5 Analysis Methods................................................19
Chapter 4 Research Analysis........................................ 21
4.1 Questionnaire Analysis......................................... 21
4.2 Descriptive Statistics Analysis.................................21
4.3 Correlation Analysis........................................... 29
4.4 Reliability Analysis............................................31
4.5 Validity Analysis...............................................36
4.6 Regression Analysis.............................................39
4.7 Research Hypothesis Analysis....................................40
4.8 Research Result................................................ 41
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion.................................42
5.1 Research Conclusion............................................ 42
5.2 Recommendation for Industrial Practice......................... 43
5.3 Recommendation for Future Study.................................43
5.4 Limitation of the Study.........................................44
Reference.......................................................... 45
Appendix A: Questionnaire...................................................... 51
Appendix B: Questionnaire (Chinese).................................58

List of Tables
Table 2.1.1 Selected definition of Customer Relationship Management.......................................................... 7
Table 2.3.1 Selected definitions of retailing...................... 13
Table 3.5.1 Analysis methods....................................... 19
Table 4.2.1 Living area............................................ 22
Table 4.2.2 Store.................................................. 23
Table 4.2.3 Period of time..........................................24
Table 4.2.4 Reason..................................................25
Table 4.2.5 Descriptive statistics analysis of customer relationship management......................................................... 26
Table 4.2.6 Descriptive statistics analysis of customer loyalty.... 27
Table 4.2.7 Descriptive statistics analysis of store loyalty....... 28
Table 4.3.1 Correlation analysis of research variables............. 30
Table 4.4.1 Reliability analysis of customer relationship management......................................................... 31
Table 4.4.2 Reliability analysis of customer relationship management after item deleted................................................. 32
Table 4.4.3 Reliability analysis of customer loyalty............... 33
Table 4.4.4 Reliability analysis of store loyalty.................. 34
Table 4.4.5 Reliability analysis of store loyalty after item deleted............................................................ 35
Table 4.5.1 KMO and Bartlett's test of customer relationship management......................................................... 37
Table 4.5.2 KMO and Bartlett's test of customer loyalty............ 37
Table 4.5.3 KMO and Bartlett's test of store loyalty............... 38
Table 4.6.1 Regression analysis of store loyalty to customer relationship management............................................ 39
Table 4.6.2 Regression analysis of store loyalty to customer relationship management............................................ 40
Table 4.7.1 Research hypothesis analysis result.....................41

List of Figures
Figure 1.3.1 Research structure..................................... 3
Figure 1.3.2 Research process....................................... 4
Figure 2.2.1 Loyalty Triangle....................................... 9
Figure 2.4.1 Logistic process of retail store.......................11
Figure 3.1.1 Research model........................................ 15
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