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研究生(外文):I-SHENG Chen
論文名稱:發展適用於醫療環境 Android 應用程式之系統架構及設計探討
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of System Architecture and Design for Developing Android Applications in the Healthcare Delivery Environment
指導教授(外文):Pei-Fang Tsai
口試委員(外文):Chin-Wei Tung
外文關鍵詞:Android ApplicationHospital Information SystemsSystem Design
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:595
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隨著平板電腦與智慧型手機的發展,移動裝置的應用與發展日趨多元化,移動裝置具有攜帶方便之特點,進一步帶動搭載於各平台之行動應用程式(mobile Apps)的快速成長。除了提供娛樂與資訊查詢的功能外,Apps 在各個產業中也扮演提升服務品質的重要角色,醫療產業與醫療服務也不例外。



最後,本研究使用情境模擬方式,對於開發的 App 進行系統效益的初步評估。以時間研究的方式,於實際的醫療復健治療室中,觀察專業復健治療師分別使用傳統紙本與行動 App 執行虛擬的復健療程,以進一步比較現行傳統紙本作業流程與本研究的Android應用程式對於治療師工作負荷的影響。

With the Tablet and smart phone development, the application and development of mobile devices have become more diversified and easy to carry, then mobile applications (mobile Apps) installing on the smart phones to obtain rapid growth further. In addition to providing entertainment and information search functions, Apps also play an important role of improving the service quality in various industries.

In this study, with the Android operating system as a development platform, we use the smart devices to get seamless integration with the Internet''s convenience. Through Wi-Fi to connect with the database, then we develop the useful Android application. By exploiting this system, the paper focuses on the medical system''s environment characteristics to influence the Android applications. Finally, we compare with the current techniques, and even more explore the user acceptance on mobile devices.

The developing system function is aimed at single appointments of outpatient clinic and rehabilitation information system, therapists is the major user base on this system. The operational process of this system includes searching for the number of patients, reserved patients and updating the patient information. The information system functions, such as patient’s appointment, past medical history and some relevant records can send by wireless transmission back to the database. They will not only ensure the data integrity but also help the medical staff to search patient’s data swiftly and conveniently while patients make their treatment next time.

Finally, this study used scenario simulation methods for conducting the developing App system efficiency to preliminary assessment. In the actual hospital rehabilitation room implementing the time study method, we observed the professional rehabilitation therapists use rehabilitation treatment for traditional paper and App system. To further know the influence of therapists working load, we compared the traditional paper operation process with the proposed Android applications in the study.

摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 導論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究流程 6
1.5研究架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1醫療資訊系統 8
2.2服務導向架構 12
2.3 Android軟體架構 14
2.4 Android Activity生命週期 17
2.5 Android開發環境 21
2.6 MVC架構 22
2.7 Android UI設計 26
2.8 Android程式設計 28
2-9 ASP.NET處理架構 30
第三章 系統架構設計 32
3.1系統開發流程 32
3.2系統現況 33
3.3理想系統 36
3.4 系統架構設計 38
3.4.1 使用者應用端 39
3.4.2 Android應用程式設計架構 40
3.5 情境模擬 41
第四章 系統驗證 44
4.1 系統流程分析 44
4.1.1現況流程分析 45
4.1.2 導入Android流程分析 46
4.2 系統模型建立 50
4.3 系統測試與情境模擬 55
4.3.1情境一 紙本作業 56
4.3.2情境二 平板電腦作業 56
4.4 本章小結 58
第五章 結論 60
5.1理想系統與現行作業的差異 60
5.2導入Android應用程式的效益 62
5.3未來研究方向 63
參考文獻 64

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