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研究生(外文):Shang-Da Yang
論文名稱(外文):Thermoeconomic Optimization of Double-Effect LiBr Absorption Chillers
外文關鍵詞:double-effect lithium bromide absorption chillerirreversibilitycoefficient of performanceexergy efficiencythermoeconomicoptimizationstructural method
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This study presents the thermodynamic analysis and thermoeconomic optimization of double-effect (parallel-type and series-type) lithium bromide (LiBr) absorption chillers. The mathematical model of double-effect LiBr absorption chillers is first established based on mass balance relations, energy balance relations, and constitutive state equations of each heat exchanger unit. Then, this study analyzes the thermodynamic properties of the double-effect absorption chiller, and calculates the irreversibility and energy loss of each unit. The effects of the coefficient of performance (COP) and exergy efficiency are investigated.
This study conducts the optimum design of the double-effect absorption chiller using a thermoeconomic method, known as the structural method. This method not only takes the thermodynamic considerations into account but also considers the economic optimization. The advantage of using the structural method for thermoeconomic optimization is that the various elements of the system can be optimized on their own. A simple equation to calculate the optimum area of each heat exchanger can be derived by introducing the coefficient of structural bond (CSB). The effects of important design parameters of the system (solution circulation ratio, LiBr concentration and distribution ratio) on the coefficient of performance (COP), exergy efficiency, irreversibility and total annual cost are investigated. Simulation results show that the total annual cost and the COP are improved after the optimization. The condition of energy loss depends on the annual operation time so that the exergy efficiency is improved for an increasing annual operation time.

目 錄

摘 要 i
致 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1模式建立 2
1.2.2熱力學分析 4
1.2.3熱力經濟學最適化設計 4
1.3研究動機 5
1.4章節組織 6
第二章 溴化鋰冰水機介紹 7
2.1冰水機的基本介紹 7
2.2吸收式冰水機工作流體介紹 10
2.3吸收式冰水機的運作原理 11
第三章 雙效吸收式冰水機之數學模式的建立 18
3.1雙效平行型吸收式冰水機 18
3.1.1質量守恆 19
3.1.2狀態方程式 21
3.1.3能量守恆 23
3.1.4雙效平行型吸收式冰水機之穩態模擬 26
3.2雙效串聯型吸收式冰水機 31
3.2.1質量守恆 32
3.2.2狀態方程式 33
3.2.3能量守恆 35
3.2.4雙效串聯型吸收式冰水機之穩態模擬 38
3.3本研究所使用的雙效平行型與串聯型數學模式 42
3.3.1本研究雙效平行型吸收式冰水機之數學模式 43
3.3.2本研究雙效串聯型吸收式冰水機之數學模式 46
3.3.3本研究雙效平行型與串聯型性能分析與模擬結果 48
第四章 雙效吸收式冰水機之熱力學分析 52
4.1可用能介紹 54
4.1.1物理可用能(physical exergy) 54
4.1.2化學可用能(chemical exergy) 55
4.1.3動能可用能(kinetic exergy) 55
4.1.4位能可用能(potential exergy) 55
4.2雙效吸收式冰水機可用能數學式 56
4.2.1物理可用能(physical exergy) 56
4.2.2化學可用能(chemical exergy) 56
4.3雙效吸收式冰水機可用能計算結果 58
4.4不可逆性介紹 62
4.5雙效吸收式冰水機不可逆性數學式 64
4.5.1雙效平行型不可逆性數學式 64
4.5.2雙效串聯型不可逆性數學式 66
4.6雙效吸收式冰水機不可逆性與可用能效率之結果 69
4.6.1雙效平行型與串聯型之不可逆性結果 69
4.6.2雙效平行型與串聯型之不可逆性及可用能效率分析 71
第五章 雙效吸收式冰水機最適化設計 73
5.1CSB介紹 73
5.2雙效吸收式冰水機CSB計算結果 76
5.2.1雙效平行型CSB分析 77
5.2.2雙效串聯型CSB分析 82
5.3熱力經濟學最適化介紹 87
5.4雙效吸收式冰水機熱力經濟學最適化計算結果 90
5.5雙效吸收式冰水機參數對最適化面積結果分析 96
5.5.1雙效平行型參數對最適化面積結果分析 96
5.5.2雙效串聯型參數對最適化面積結果分析 101
5.5.3雙效平行型與串聯型在不同操作時間下之參數分析 104
第六章 總結與未來展望 115
6.1總結 115
6.2未來展望 116
參考文獻 117
符號彙編 120


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