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研究生(外文):En-Ping Fu
論文名稱(外文):Design of 2DoF PID Controllers Directly from Plant Data for Stable, Integrating, and Unstable Processes
外文關鍵詞:process controlPID controllerintegrating processunstable processtwo-degree-of-freedom controller
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  PID controllers are the most widely used controllers in the chemical process industries, and therefore various model-based PID design methods have been developed. A major drawback of the model-based methods is that their effectiveness would degrade for high-order process dynamics because of the inevitable modeling error. Consequently, it is an attractive alternative to design PID controllers directly based on a set of process input and output data without resorting to a process model.
  This study proposes a novel method of two-degree-of-freedom (2DoF) PID controller design for stable, integrating, and unstable processes directly using the plant data available from plant test. The proposed method first derives the PID parameters so that the resulting control system behaves as closely as possible to the prescribed reference models. The references models can be defined to describe the desired closed-loop dynamics for either set-point tracking or disturbance rejection. A simple one-dimensional optimization problem is formulated to determine an appropriate reference model, with also the robustness consideration, for the controlled process. Satisfying good control performance for disturbance rejection and set-point tracking simultaneously is not possible by using a one-degree-of-freedom (1DoF) PID controller. Therefore, the 2DoF PID controller with set-point weighting is subsequently designed to improve the set-point response. The set-point weighting parameters for the proportional and derivative modes are obtained so that the set-point response follows a prescribed reference trajectory. Extensive simulation results show the superiority of the proposed method over existing (model-based) PID design methods for various types of process dynamics.

摘要 i
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 章節組織 3
第二章 基於設定點之參考模式設計PID控制器 4
2.1 單自由度之PID控制器設計 4
2.2 參考模式之選擇 6
2.2.1 穩定程序(Stable process) 6
2.2.2 積分程序(Integrating process) 11
2.2.3 不穩定程序(Unstable process) 15
2.3 雙自由度之PID控制器設計 16
2.4 PID控制器設計流程 18
2.5 實例應用 22
2.5.1 研究範例一 22
2.5.2 研究範例二 29
2.5.3 研究範例三 33
2.5.4 研究範例四 36
2.5.5 研究範例五 39
第三章 基於負荷擾動參考模式設計PID控制器 42
3.1 設計PID控制器 42
3.2 參考模式之選擇 45
3.3 實例應用 51
3.3.1 研究範例一 51
3.3.2 研究範例二 55
3.3.3 研究範例三 60
3.3.4 研究範例四 66
3.3.5 研究範例五 70
3.3.6 研究範例六 74
3.3.7 研究範例七 82
3.3.8 研究範例八 86
3.3.9 研究範例九 89
第四章 結論與未來展望 91
4.1 結論 91
4.2 未來展望 91
參考文獻 92
符號彙編 94

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