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研究生(外文):Ju-Hui Tung
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study on Long Distance Transportation and Collection Management for A County MSW
外文關鍵詞:Garbage Transfer StationEmissions EstimatesGarbage Sampling
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This study uses County A as a case study. After County A stopped construction of incineration plant by decree from the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuen, it used a cross region transport collaboration model. This study conducts an investigation and analysis of the composition of the garbage that is transported, analysis of the transportation equipment and transport costs, a review of the transported quantity and the management and operations of the transfer stations to understand the effectiveness of the transport management of County A.
An analytical outcome of the physical composition of wet and dry garbage base of County A over the last three years indicates that the differences among the food waste, paper and plastic are the largest, with the water content among the food waste and paper being the highest and being most easily affected by weather. In terms of chemical composition, analysis shows that carbon at 28.03% and oxygen at 18.63% being the highest, followed by nitrogen at 3.75%, hydrogen at 3.49%, 0.48% at sulfur and organic chlorine at 0.33%. If the recycling of food waste is strengthened, it is estimated that 5,068.2 metric tons can be reduced, leading to lower transportation and incineration costs.
A comparison of the air pollution of different transportation equipment and cost shows that the combined transportation approach of highway and railroad lead to lower level of air pollution, while transportation using highway has lower transportation costs. Currently, using highway for transportation is more suitable for County A in terms of handling its garbage disposal. However, as there is only one highway that connects County A to County B, it is recommended to use railroad as an emergency replacement method if the highway cannot be used; another solution is to transport the garbage for incineration to another county.
In terms of the review of the transported quantity and the management and operations of the transfer stations, the average monthly transport number is 183 trips with transported quantity of 3,555 metric tons. The difference in values between the output of dump site and incinerated amount is within the standards regulated by County A. To raise the environmental and health quality of transfer stations, maintain facilities within the transfer stations and to supervisor the legality of the transport process, County A outsource the related review and audit work to a third party and defines a standard operating procedure.
The outcome of this study shows that the performance of County A’s transfer station is good. The only problem that needs to be overcome is that highway access is frequently interrupted. In terms of the selection of transportation equipment, the best model that balances environmental protection and economics can be evaluated. In terms of implementing recycling work, more emphasis should be placed on the recycling of food waste, paper and plastic to reduce the production of garbage and implementing the objective of recycling policies.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 廢棄物處理與垃圾轉運相關文獻 6
2.1.1 我國廢棄物清理政策演進 6
2.1.2 國內垃圾轉運方式 9
2.1.3 國內垃圾轉運案例 10
2.1.4 國外廢棄物政策之探討 15
2.1.5 國外轉運型式 22
2.2 A縣垃圾處理 27
第三章 研究內容與方法 30
3.1 研究內容 30
3.2 研究方法 31
3.2.1 採樣與分析方法 31
3.2.2 運具廢氣之排放估算 39
第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1 垃圾轉運垃圾組成之調查與分析 41
4.1.1 物理組成 41
4.1.2 化學組成 55
4.1.3 特性分析 63
4.2 運輸工具之評析 66
4.2.1 公路運輸 66
4.2.2 鐵路運輸 72
4.2.3 垃圾轉運之空氣污染評析結果 80
4.3 轉運成本分析 93
4.3.1 公路運輸 93
4.3.2 鐵路運輸 95
4.3.3 綜合評析 100
4.4 轉運計量之查核 101
4.5 轉運站營運管理查核 106
4.5.1 垃圾進場管制作業 106
4.5.2 環境衛生及設施查核 111
4.5.3 轉運作業查核 113
4.6 緊急應變措施 116
4.6.1 垃圾轉運至其他縣市 116
4.6.2 垃圾暫時貯存 121
第五章 結論與建議 123
5.1結論 123
5.2 建議 125
參考文獻 126

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