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研究生(外文):Yun-Chiang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The study of orthogonal incidence method for efficient sunlight guiding system
外文關鍵詞:Natural lightingCoupling EfficiencyTree-Structured Light Guiding System
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受惠於太陽能與LED照明的蓬勃發展,許多學者在集光及光照明部分已相當深入的研究,且也有不錯的成果。例如在集光部分有許多Fresnel lens及CPC還有反射式集光等多方面研究,而在照明系統更有許多陣列式鏡頭以及自由取面等特殊需求的照明光學系統,僅有少數人對傳輸光導有更深入的研究,而本論文中利用數值理論的Matlab計算以及LightTools模擬為輔的方法,來設計出高耦合效率的結構。

The popularity of solar energy source has increased significantly due to the emphasis on world green energy initiatives. Coupled with the world-side energy shortage, no wonder daylighting system is a hot topic on all agendas to migrate to a more environmentally friendly and energy efficient life style. The sunlight collectors, light guides, and light exits that constitute passive daylighting system can be improved using advanced optics.
Most collectors designed for PV cells can also be used in day lighting systems. The concentrating collector, or concentrator, can be equipped with a sun-tracking system to increase the amount of incident sunlight. Sun collectors can be categorized by reflective collectors, CPC practical collectors, refractive collectors and other custom-designed collector.
In this thesis, the theory of the Matlab simulation calculations and supplemented LightTools approach to design a structure of high coupling efficiency. We present parallel and orthogonal light incident on asymmetric light guide wholly theoretical analysis and substantially increase the speed of simulation.
Consider the full range of the incident light source, the coupling efficiency can reach 72% of the present stage of the research the highest coupling efficiency, and the trunk efficiency can reach 82%. In low light when you need to increase the brightness multi-branch, we propose an asymmetric TLGS can significantly improve the brightness as natural lighting applications. It also can be made for special design makes the branch incident light is orthogonal to the incident, so that the coupling efficiency can up to 100%.

目 錄

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 自然光照明系統文獻探討 6
2.1太陽光集光器 6
2.1.1 反射聚焦式集光器 7
2.1.2 複合拋物面式集光器 7
2.1.2 折射式聚焦集光器 8
2.1.2 其他樣式 9
2.2光導系統 9
2.2.1 自然採光裝置 10
2.2.2 光傳輸管 10
2.2.3 光纖及光纖束 11
2.2.4 Prismex 面板耦合器 12
2.2.5 多對一與鋸齒形和橢圓形的表面組成的稜鏡陣列的
耦合器 12
2.2.6 步階式耦合器 13
2.2.7 Y型非對稱式耦合器 14
2.3 光輸出器 15
2.4 結論 16
第三章 光耦合器傳輸之效率理論 17
3.1光傳播基本理論 19
3.1.1 光的直線傳播 19
3.1.2 光的反射定律 21
3.1.3 光的折射定律 22
3.1.4 全反射 22
3.2光線在平行光導耦合平面上傳播 (?? = 0) 24
3.3光線在垂直光導耦合平面上傳播 (?? = 0) 26
3.4樹狀光導系統 (TLGS) 27
第四章 模擬結果跟耦合效率分析 31
4.1非對稱式耦合器的截止角度 31
4.2耦合效率及模擬結果 34
4.3分支光導管之正交入射 43
4.4全角度的入射分析 44
第五章 結論 48
參考文獻 51

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