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研究生(外文):Shyr-Ding Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Construction and Application Study of OPLC Supervisory Control System for Biomass Conversion Equipment
外文關鍵詞:supervisory control systembiomasslignocellulosexylooligosaccharideseparation and purificationcontrol strategy
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The process of using lignocelluloses to produce the second–generation biomass ethanol fuel comprises steam explosion, saccharification, separation and purification, and fermentation. Steam explosion and separation and purification are key technologies for converting and using biomass. To produce cellulosic ethanol fuel, it is critical to develop efficient, convenient steam explosion and separation and purification technologies that include electrical, instrument, and supervisory control modes.
Based on the requirements for operating steam explosion and separation and purification systems, the researcher planned, designed, and constructed the hardware for an electrical, instrument, and operator panel logic controller (OPLC) supervisory control system, and system-software control strategies. The research involved a mixture that contained xylooligosaccharides, which were produced by treating Napier grass using steam explosion. The objective of this study was to produce a xylooligosaccharide mixture that contained no fermentation inhibitor by using separation and purification equipment. A membrane filtration technology was used to separate the fermentation inhibitors from the steam explosion liquor, yielding a purified xylooligosaccharide mixture that can be used in biotechnological and biomedical applications.
The accuracy and relevance of parametric conditions for steam explosion and separation and purification systems were explored from the perspective of practical hardware and software planning and design. A programmable controller and human machine interface apparatus were integrated in a single OPLC hardware unit to instantly acquire the critical control parameters and relevant data during system operation; the system facilitates the steam explosion and membrane separation and purification treatments of the constructed high-performance OPLC supervisory control system, and contributes to the mass production equipment of concentration systems.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究方法 3
1.4論文架構 4
第二章 監控系統架構組成及其應用 6
2.1前言 6
2.2監控系統的定義及其建置目的 6
2.2.1監控系統的定義 6
2.2.2監控系統建置的目的 7
2.3典型監控系統的架構組成及功能 8
2.3.1監視裝置 9
2.3.2監控裝置 9
2.3.3記錄裝置 10
2.3.4 顯示裝置 11
2.4監控模式的分類 12
2.4.1局部式監控 13
2.4.2集中式監控 13
2.4.3手動式監控 13
2.4.4自動式監控 13
2.5監控系統的建置步驟 14
2.6監控系統於工廠應用 16
2.6.1監控基本功能及目標 16
2.6.2中型規模集中監控系統 17
2.6.3大型規模集中監控系統 18
2.6.4 SCADA 監控系統 18
第三章 OPLC監控系統硬體及軟體功能建置法 22
3.1 OPLC硬體規格 22
3.2 硬體安裝配線 30
3.3 OPLC程式編輯軟體 41
第四章 OPLC監控於蒸爆轉化設備之實例建置 50
4.1 前言 50
4.2 蒸爆轉化系統機器設備 50
4.3電控儀控設備規劃設計 52
4.4 蒸爆轉化設備建置成果與討論 71
第五章 OPLC監控於分離純化設備之實例建置 72
5.1 前言 72
5.2系統實驗功能描述 73
5.2.1第一階段系統實驗功能描述 73
5.2.2第二階段系統實驗功能描述 76
5.3 電控儀控及監控系統規劃設計 81
5.3.1電控 82
5.3.2 泵浦馬達應用 82
5.3.3 變頻器應用 83
5.3.4 蹼輪式流量計應用 85
5.3.5 蠕動泵浦應用 87
5.4控制系統 88
5.4.1 電控系統 88
5.4.2 儀控及監控系統 91
5.5分離純化設備建置成果與討論 96
第六章 結論及未來的研究方向 99
6.1 結論 99
6.2未來的研究方向 99
參考文獻 101

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