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研究生(外文):Chun-Han Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Design of Adaptive Supervisory Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for Induction Motor Vector Control System
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation ControllerSupervisory ControllerVector ControlAdaptive Flux Observer
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本論文結合小腦模型控制器與模糊理論,來設計適應性監督式模糊小腦模型控制器(adaptive supervisory Fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller, ASFCMAC),其內含監督控制器,可加強對系統之暫態響應補償;同時,適應性模糊小腦模型控制器(adaptive Fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller, AFCMAC)會逼近系統動態響應,且其權重記憶體會根據適應法則而進行線上調適,並透過Lyapunov理論來確保系統之穩定性。
本論文基於適應性參考模型系統(model reference adaptive system, MRAS)之適應性轉子磁通估測器架構,來建立適應性轉速估測器與適應性轉子電阻估測器,並將其應用於向量控制系統中,並透過模擬與實驗來證明本控制器對於參數變動與外加負載變動影響之強健性。最後,將適應性監督式模糊小腦模型控制器、適應性模糊小腦模型控制器與適應性小腦模型控制器輸出的結果做比較並以均方根誤差作為性能評估指標。經由模擬與實驗結果證明,本控制器的轉速不但能快速響應且性能皆優於適應性模糊小腦模型控制器與適應性小腦模型控制器,同時在馬達參數變動及加入外部負載擾動下仍具有很好的強健性。

This dissertation presents a novel speed-control scheme for an induction motor (IM) using an adaptive supervisory fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller (ASFCMAC). The ASFCMAC has a supervisory controller and an adaptive fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller (AFCMAC) and is used as the speed controller. The supervisory controller monitors the control process to keep the speed tracking error within a predefined range, and the AFCMAC approximates the system dynamics. The connective weights of the AFCMAC were adjusted online according to the adaptive rules described in Lyapunov stability theory to ensure system stability.
An adaptive speed observer and rotor resistance observer were designed using the structure of the model reference adaptive system (MRAS). To achieve the proposed system, the ASFCMAC, the rotor speed observer, and the rotor resistance observer were integrated and implemented in a field-oriented control (FOC) induction motor drive. The robustness of the proposed ASFCMAC against parameter variation and external load torque disturbance was verified by simulation and by experiment. Three control schemes, the ASFCMAC, AFCMAC, and ACMAC, were experimentally investigated, and a performance index, root mean square error (RMSE) was applied for each scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that the ASFCMAC outperformed the two other control schemes with external load torque variations.

中文摘要 i
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Organization of Dissertation 3
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Mathematical model of induction motor 4
2.3 Rotor field oriented control 6
2.4 Summary 9
3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 CMAC structure and principle 10
3.2.1 Quantization of input state 12
3.2.2 Input vector mapped into associated memory space 12
3.2.3 Associated memory space mapped into weight memory space 14
3.2.4 Export weight memory space to output 15
3.2.5 Adaptive rules of CMAC 15
3.3 Fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller structure and principle 16
3.3.1 Fuzzification of input vector mapped into associated memory space 17
3.3.2 Associated memory space mapped into weight memory space 18
3.3.3 Export normalization of weight memory space to output 19
3.4 Simulation results of fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller 19
3.4.1 Effect of learning rate 19
3.4.2 Comparison of FCMAC simulation with CMAC 21
3.5 Summary 22
4.1 Introduction 23
4.2 Design of supervisory controller 24
4.3 Design of adaptive fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller 27
4.4 Summary 31
5.1 Introduction 32
5.2 Model reference adaptive system 32
5.3 Design of adaptive flux observer 33
5.3.1 Adaptive full-order flux observer 33
5.3.2 Adaptive pseudoreduced-order flux observer 35
5.4 Adaptive speed and rotor resistance observers 35
5.5 Simulation results of vector control system 40
5.6 Summary 46
6.1 Experimental hardware description 47
6.2 System architecture and experimental results 48
6.2.1 System architecture 48
6.2.2 Experimental results 50
6.3 Experimental results and discussion 59
7.1 Conclusions 60
7.2 Future works 60
References 62
Nomenclature 70
作者簡介 72

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