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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicle in Smart Grid
指導教授(外文):Leehter Yao
口試委員(外文):Kuang-Yow LianShun-Feng SuJin-Shyan LeeWei-Yen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Charging PriorityElectricity PriceResidential LoadElectric VehicleCharging Demand
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In recent years, since the serious problems such as the oil crisis, the air pollution etc., the development of electric vehicles (EVs) have been got the highly attention by each country. The designed goal in this thesis aims to increase the operating income for the power company. According to the charging priority, there are three types of electricity price have been drawn up, that is, the high electricity price scheme, the normal electricity price scheme, and the low electricity price scheme, where the designed objective for the high electricity price scheme is to satisfy the customer''s convenience, while the designed objectives of the normal electricity price and the low electricity price schemes are to reduce the cost of generating electricity for the power company, so that each vehicle can be charged at the lower cost of generating electricity. Furthermore, this thesis also takes into account the overloading event occurs on power systems when charging for extensive EVs simultaneously, and propose the optimal charging strategy for the charging scheduling according to the residential load of each customer. Simulation results show that the optimal charging strategy can effectively charging for EVs under the premise that not impact on the residential load of customer, and to satisfy the charging demand of each EV as much as possible depends on the electricity price choose by each customer.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 2
1.2 研究動機與目的 6
1.3 文獻探討 10
1.4 論文規劃 16
第二章 智能電網與電動車 18
2.1 智能電網簡介 18
2.1.1 智能電網與傳統電網之差異 20
2.2 先進電表基礎架構( AMI ) 22
2.2.1 AMI簡介 23
2.2.2 AMI之系統架構 26
2.3 電動車 28
2.3.1 電動車種類及基礎架構 28
2.3.2 動力電池組 30
2.3.3 電池管理系統 34
第三章 電動車之充電策略 37
3.1 問題描述 37
3.1.1 居家用電負載 39
3.1.2 電動車充電負載 40
3.1.3 配電變壓器之最大功率限制 42
3.1.4 配電變壓器之負載預測 44
3.1.5 電力公司之發電成本 46
3.2充電策略之規畫 48
3.2.1 整體系統架構 48 電力線通訊 50 充電閘道器之系統功能 53 充電閘道器之軟體架構 53 充電閘道器之硬體架構 54 充電管理系統之系統功能 56 充電管理系統之軟體架構 56 充電管理系統之硬體規劃 57
3.2.2 線性規劃法於充電策略之設計 59 各類電價方案之設計法則 59 充電策略一之設計 63 充電策略二之設計 65 總結充電策略之設計 68
第四章 案例模擬與討論 73
4.1 案例1之模擬 75
4.2 案例2之模擬 80
4.3 案例3之模擬 84
第五章 結論與未來展望 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 未來展望 91
參考文獻 92

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