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研究生(外文):Ting-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):The effects of interviewer negative behaviors on the outcomes of recruitment and selection
指導教授(外文):Chien-Cheng Chen
口試委員(外文):Ying-Mei HuangChing-Jui Keng
外文關鍵詞:Stress InterviewInterviewer Negative BehaviorOrganizational AttractionImpression Management TacticsEmotional Intelligence
  • 被引用被引用:6
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For the past few years, enterprise slowly pays attention to their employee’s emotional intelligence ability. To effectively measure and evaluate applicants emotional intelligence ability, some enterprise start to interview applicant by using stress interview, such as expressing negative behaviors and observe applicant’s emotional reaction to evaluate their emotional intelligence ability and stress resistance. Meanwhile, many scholars object this method. They consider the action will affect applicant’s image toward the enterprise, which will also lower down organizational attraction.
To understand the impact between interviewer’s negative behavior towards selection and recruitment, this research uses 90 applicants and 62 interviewers as a sample through real interview occasions. This research will explore whether interviewers negative behavior may help them evaluate applicant’s emotional intelligence ability and the effectiveness towards organizational attraction. Besides of that, this research will further explore the moderating role and mediating mechanism which may show up during the process. Partial results support our hypotheses. Results show that when interviewer express more negative behaviors, it’s effective to evaluate applicant’s emotional intelligence ability, but will lower down applicant’s attraction toward the organization. In moderation role side, this research discovered that interviewer using “self-focused impression management tactics” won’t have obvious upraise on interviewer’s emotional intelligence ability evaluation towards applicants, which may upraise or lower down the accuracy of interviewer evaluate applicant’s emotional intelligence ability. In mediating mechanism side, interviewer’s negative behavior will lower down applicant’s friendliness feeling towards interviewer and also organization attraction.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 7
1.3 預期研究貢獻 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1面試官負面行為 9
2.2面試官負面行為與面試官評量間的關係 12
2.3應徵者印象管理戰術 15
2.4 應徵者印象管理戰數的干擾 17
2.5面試官行為與組織吸引力 20
2.6面試官負面行為與組織吸引力之關係 22
2.7面試官友善性的中介角色 25
第三章 前導研究 27
3.1面試官負面行為之內容分析 27
3.1.1內容分析之研究對象 27
3.1.2內容分析之研究流程 28
3.2面試官負面行為之內容分析結果 30
3.2.1評分者間同意度 30
3.2.2 面試官負面行為表現之類別 31
第四章 研究方法 35
4.1研究架構 35
4.2研究假說 36
4.3研究對象 37
4.4 施測流程 38
4.5研究變數與衡量 40
4.5.1面試官負面行為 40
4.5.2面試官評估應徵者情緒調節的準確性 40
4.5.3應徵者自我導向印象管理戰術 41
4.5.4應徵者組織吸引力 41
4.5.5面試官的友善性 42
4.5.6控制變數 43
4.6統計方法 44
第五章 研究結果 46
5.1驗證性因素分析 46
5.1.1效度分析 46
5.1.2收斂效度 47
5.2相關分析及敘述性統計 48
5.3 研究假設驗證 50
5.3.1 限制情境之干擾效果統計分析結果 50
5.3.2中介機制統計分析結果 51
第六章 研究結論與建議 53
6.1 研究結果 53
6.1.1 面試官負面行為 53
6.1.2 應徵者印象管理戰術的干擾效果 53
6.1.3 面試官友善性的中介效果 54
6.2 理論意涵與實務意涵 55
6.2.1 理論意涵 55
6.2.2 實務意涵 57
6.3 研究限制 59
6.4 未來研究方向 61
6.5 研究結論 65
參考文獻 66
附錄一(前導研究) 80
面試官訪談問卷 81
附錄二 本研究所使用之問卷 82







7.張裕隆, 1996, "傳記式資料," 「有效的甄選方法」系列工作法, 中國心理學會工商心理學組。




11.申燕 壓力面試,切勿撿了芝麻丟西瓜[期刊論文]-人力資源2008(9)








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