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研究生(外文):Pei-Shan Chien
論文名稱(外文):A study of stock prices relationship among Taiwan, Mainland China and United States
外文關鍵詞:ECFAStructural changesCo-integrationGranger Causality Test
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  This paper investigates the dynamic stock index returns relationship among U.S., Taiwan and Mainland China, hoping to understand the interdependence of these three market economies and to see if the signing of ECFA will enhance the future development of economy and trade. The research timeframe is divided into two sub periods to test the stability of different kinds of stock index through the unit root test. Besides, this paper realizes the structural change through the CUSUM test, conducting co-integration test respectively, then constructing VAR model to carry out Granger causality test, impulse response function and forecast error variance decomposition for each sub period.
  The empirical results show as the following. In the full sample period, Taiwan and the Shanghai B-share have a relationship of co-integration. The United States leads the performance of Taiwan, Shanghai Stock Exchange''s A and B share index unidirectionally, and Shanghai Stock Exchange''s A leads the performance of Shanghai Stock Exchange''s B share index unidirectionally. Before the implementation of ECFA, the United States and Taiwan (or the Shanghai B-share) have a relationship of co-integration, and Taiwan and Shanghai B-share have the same result. The United States unidirectionally leads the performance of Taiwan, Shanghai Stock Exchange''s A and B share index. After the implementation of ECFA, the empirical results do not show a co-integrated relationship. The causality test is the same as the full sample period.
  To sum up, after the implementation of ECFA, the United States continued to have the strongest influence in the world. The stock market of Taiwan and Mainland China starts to have a dynamic relationship with each other, which shows that the signing of ECFA has an enormous influence on the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation. This research result can be as a forecast for the object national stock market or the financial market when similar agreement is signed, and it can also be as a reference for investors to invest in the future.

摘 要                           i
ABSTRACT                        ii
誌 謝                          iv
目 錄                           v
表 目 錄                     vii
圖 目 錄                       viii
第一章 緒論                       1
 1.1 研究動機                      1
 1.2 研究目的                      4
 1.3 研究流程                      5
 1.4 研究架構                      6
第二章 文獻回顧                     7
 2.1 ECFA對台灣與中國區域經濟影響之探討 7
  2.1.1 ECFA的內容                  7
  2.1.2 ECFA實施對台灣的影響             12
  2.1.3 ECFA實施對中國的影響           12
  2.1.4 事件關係的相關文獻              13
 2.2 股價連動性相關文獻                15
第三章 研究方法                     17
 3.1 股價指數編制方法                 17
  3.1.1 道瓊工業股價指數               18
  3.1.2 台灣加權股價指數               20
  3.1.3 上海A與B股股價指數             21
 3.2 單根檢定                     23
  3.2.1 Augmented Dickey-Fuller(ADF)檢定法  23
  3.2.2 Phillip-Perron(PP)檢定法        24
 3.3 CUSUM結構式檢定 25
 3.4 落後期數選取與共整合檢定             27
  3.4.1 對角元素和檢定                28
  3.4.2 最大特性根檢定                28
 3.5 向量自我迴歸模型                 29
 3.6 Granger因果關係檢定              30
 3.7 衝擊反應函數                   31
 3.8 預測誤差變異數分解              32
第四章 實證結果與分析                  33
 4.1 資料來源與說明                  33
 4.2 基本統計敘述                   34
 4.3 單根檢定                     39
 4.4 CUSUM結構式檢定                 42
 4.5 共整合檢定                    44
 4.6 向量自我迴歸模型                 46
 4.7 Granger因果關係檢定              48
 4.8 衝擊反應函數                   50
 4.9 預測誤差變異數分解                54
第五章 結論與建議                    57
 5.1 研究結論                     57
  5.1.1 長期均衡關係                 57
  5.1.2 Granger因果關係               58
  5.1.3 衝擊反應分析                 59
  5.1.4 預測誤差變異數分解              59
 5.2 研究建議                     60
  5.2.1 對投資人建議                 60
  5.2.2 對後續研究建議                60
參考文獻                         62


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