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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsian Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Genetic Algorithm based Approach to Solve the Carpool Service Problem in Cloud Computing
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chia Huang
口試委員(外文):Wei-Ho TsaiTrong-Yen LeeSy-Yen Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Carpool service problemgenetic algorithmcarpool
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Traffic congestion has been a serious problem in many urban areas around the world, causing various negative impacts such as generation of air pollution, wasting of fuel, increased travel time, production of carbon dioxide emissions, and so on. Carpooling is one of the most effective solutions to traffic congestion. It consists of increasing the occupancy rate of cars by reducing the empty seats in these vehicles effectively. In this paper, we propose an intelligent carpool system called BlueNet. The proposed system involves two significant proposed modules: the Mobile Client module and the Cloud Global Carpool Services module. In our proposed Mobile Client module, the carpool users can send carpool requests and receive carpool matching results via the proposed Cloud Global Carpool Services module by using their smart handheld devices via the mobile communication network. The following Cloud Global Carpool Services module is used to manage requests and generate suitable match results through the proposed Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm. The Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm furthers the solution to the carpool route and matching problem by dramatically reducing the time required to match a large number of users. In order to develop a carpool service that can be used around the world, we integrated the open GIS system with abundant global geographical information into the proposed Cloud Global Carpool Services module. In regard to the quality of the solutions and processing time, the experimental results show that the proposed Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm consistently is able to find carpool route and matching results that are among the most optimal. Use of the Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm may result in a similar minimum travel cost as obtained by the exhaustive algorithm. However the Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm operates with significantly less computational complexity than does the Exhaustive algorithm, thus requiring less time. The Genetic-based Carpool Route and Matching algorithm is also substantially faster than the Random Matching algorithm.

中文摘要 i
誌謝 iv
2.1 Mobile Client Module 5
2.2 Cloud Global Carpool Services module 6
3.1 Evolution Initialization Module 9
3.1.1 Chromosome Representation procedure 9
3.1.2 Population Initialization procedure 11
3.2 Genetic Evolution Module 12
3.2.1 Chromosome Evaluation procedure 12
3.2.2 Chromosome Selection procedure 13
3.2.3 Chromosome Crossover procedure 14
3.2.4 Chromosome Mutation procedure 16
4.1 The Comparison between GCRM, EA, and RM 17
4.2 Further Analysis on the GCRM Algorithm 21
Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS 25

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